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Don't give up so easily! Your idea actually sounds pretty slick. I'm sure there are a bunch of folks (both Speedster and other types of cars) who might be interested in making a run through Manhattan, especially if it was well organized (maybe you could leak it to the "Today Show" and you could make a drive-by or stop for a few minutes). I've only driven in Manhattan once, and don't know how difficult it would be to do this, but it sounds intriguing!!

I would have to drive down from Rhode Island to join you, but might be interested in making the run just for the hell of it!

Expand your idea a little, pick a general date during the Summer, let people know and then run with it! Talk it up on here, and maybe it can become an Event!! Even if you only get a few cars - more than three Speedsters/Spyders in one place becomes a BIG DEAL!

One of the "Speedstah Guys" from Beaufort (and Rhode Island)


Images (1)
  • Me and Pearl
I confess to be a seasoned Manhattan driver.

.....First rule of thumb, follow that cab

.....Any yellow light means go faster

.....Express lanes are created by following an emergency
vehicle which pass by about one every sixty seconds.

.....Don't slow down to gawk to at the homeless bilevel refrigerator
box homesteads, you'll be rear ended by at least two cabs

.....Streets and Avenues run east/west - north/south

.....Fun to drive through the outbound Lincoln or Holland Tunnels at
75 plus mph at 3:00 AM .

.....If you come across an eighteen wheeler backing down a one way
street the wrong way for at least a two blocks,'s me !
Generally streets are one way (even number east and odd number west) except for major thorofares like 14th, 42nd, etc. which are two-way (excet for the village where everything gets weird); avenues run north and south and some are one way.

In the '60's I lived on E. 38th between Park and Madison...
Oh yeah?

Well for a week in November of 1980, I lived at 58'th and 5th, or 5'th and Central Park South, if you're a real New Yawker. Yes, at the Plaza Hotel, BEFORE Ivanna Trump arrived. Was there for the final episode of MASH (five of us and two six-packs in a hushed hotel room), Henry Kissinger's speech to the New York Republican Club (of which I'm not a member but I did share the elevator with him and his four Secret Service guys) and spent several nights at some club at 21'st and 2'nd, which had an 87 year old piano player and attracted a LOT of the Broadway cast members after hours (the place got hopping after 12:30 am) who would sing along with whatever the piano player felt like playing.

THOSE were the days!

I also had a bunch of customers in and around the World Trade Center complex and was in and out of there a lot over the years - Still can't get over it.


This is the extent of what I can do to organize a big event. I cannot even get to the forum that often. So far it is 4 us. If all three of you will be up to it let us meet and drive to New York.

Let us post a definite date and maybe, just maybe we can snag
a couple more guys from NJ. Any date in the summer that is good
for all three of you will be good for me.

I say let us do this, continental breakfast is on me at the hotel
where we are going to meet.


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