For the new folks in the group, every year we hold a raffle of donated items to defray the miscellaneous costs of the event. We're going to keep the raffle schedule the same this year as last. In previous years we held the raffle at the Saturday evening dinner but that got us out pretty late. So......
1. This year we will again hold the raffle in the Hotel Carlisle hospitality room at 5pm on Saturday. That means we'll have a mass exodus from the show field around 4pm (probably out the back way) back to the hotel.
2. We ask that everyone consider donating items for the raffle.
3. Hold onto your raffle items until Saturday, then bring them to the hospitality room.
4. We'll have separate slips for each donated item. Take one for each item you'll be donating and fill that out. A description and your name, then put it with the item on the table so the winner will know from whom it came.
In this way we'll have enough time and we'll know who donated what (and there is always a lot of terrific stuff).
Raffle tickets will be available from several people and at the door of the Hospitality Room just before we start.
Your donations are appreciated.
See you at Carlisle!
Original Post