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Stan (and anyone else listening): I got a dialogue message from Bob and I'm not certain it went to anyone other than me. Seems Bob is having some personal difficulties at home and expressed his regrets that he would not be able to be involved in the pre-planning. It was unclear if that meant he would be unable to make the event, but, nonetheless he can't handle the planning. We need to regroup. Rich

Corn Daze 2014 - I'm thinking about it! A meeting with the SOC tribunal (or is it Axis of Evil?) in Stanistan, is on my drawing board possibly for next year if the 2014 event dates work out.


What's the weather like in July? Would a fall event be possible? Since this would be a 4,000 mile round-trip, I would have to work out travel logistics, but I think its do-able! Cruising with you Illinois SOC knuckleheads and possibly include Msgt Ricky, Marty G, Jack C & Tom B would be a kick!


Anyway, you know what they say about best laid plans, so we'll see how it works out! 



Last edited by MusbJim



OK-- now you're committed. Allow me to to speak for the entire midwest-chapter of the SOC ("Sons Of Corn"), and tell you how much we'd love for you and Mrs. Jim to come out to the PRS (the People's Republic of Stanistan). You'd be welcome to sleep in the "blue room" of the presidential palace as guests of the state. I'd give you the keys to the city, and bestow great honors upon you (Musbejim: hero of the republic). I'd even make you breakfast.


The weather is better by a factor of 10x or so in September, but Mr. Drake's trip to St. Louis is what drove our little get-together last year. If Mr. Drake could be persuaded that July is generally about 100 deg and very, very "close" (my son describe the humidity as wrapping yourself in a hot, wet towel), and is when every bug in America seems to congregate for their bug-family reunion, perhaps he might postpone until late summer/early autumn.


Regardless, you sir are welcome any time. Harvest generally starts in mid-September, and the leaves (such as we've got) turn about the third week in October. Weather-wise, it's generally pretty close to perfect Sept 1- October 21 or so.


This year is set. We're midwesterners-- so when we say we'll do something, by golly, we'll get 'r done. We had a pretty darned good time last year for something we threw together at the last minute, but this year we'll have a bunch of time to screw it up right.

Bob- Ginny & I are sending positive vibes your way for the best possible outcome for your wife & family!


Stan - I sincerely appreciate your most generous hospitality offer. It would most definitely be an awesome adventure.


Ricky - It would be fun to see you guys again. Is this your last tour of duty before you retire?


Rick, his lovely wife and their kick-ass Spyder parked next to Dale Bates crazy-nice IM. Pic is from 2nd Annual Tour D'Hoe, touring around Lake Tahoe. this viewpoint overlooks Donner Lake.


Jim that picture sure brings back good memories. Vanessa almost cried when she saw it (really missing the Cali lifestyle). I might have to dig up the GoPro video and throw a real quick edit and post it up 


We are still on a holding pattern as far as retirement. I can still have one more move and retire at 24 instead of 20 so I guess it will depend if I get any good offers while I'm here. We do have an eye out for a final West Coast tour if I can't get a "real" job here. We do like our house, but orders to Travis or maybe even McChord, WA would make us move in heartbeat.

Jeni is planning on coming with me to Corn Daze. We're not sure if my son is going to be here for the full duration of his summer vacation or not -- or if he'll be in unscheduled summer classes, if you know what I mean -- so we're just planning on the two of us driving the Hoopty to Illinois regardless. If Mini-Me decides to pass all of his classes, maybe we'll tow the jalopy.


Either way, we're in with four feet, with potential for six.


Bob, we wish your wife well. Don't let those lads run you ragged in the meantime!

Last edited by Cory Drake

OK--we are planning Corn Daze for this June.  We would Drive to Milwaukee via St Louls and visit my friend then that Friday down to Peoria for the weekend of Corn Daze then Peoria to Hot Springs Monay---or part way at least.


So----what will the dates be?  Why can't the dates accomodate Tom?? I gotta see his improved Beck!  Is there a designated hotel/motel?


I just had my warranties renewed and have a new lease on life.

Jack, the weekend that they picked is Manuela's 40th birthday weekend.  After that, we're heading to Germany for awhile.  You'll get to see/drive Natalie in May IF I don't get a new job between now and then, BUT, I'm not looking very hard :-)  For now, Carlisle is in for me and my eldest son from Seattle will be joining me on the ride.  Corn Daze is not in the cards for me this year.

Originally Posted by MusbJim - '95 VS SoCal:

Corn Daze 2014 - I'm thinking about it! A meeting with the SOC tribunal (or is it Axis of Evil?) in Stanistan, is on my drawing board possibly for next year if the 2014 event dates work out.


What's the weather like in July? Would a fall event be possible? Since this would be a 4,000 mile round-trip, I would have to work out travel logistics, but I think its do-able! Cruising with you Illinois SOC knuckleheads and possibly include Msgt Ricky, Marty G, Jack C & Tom B would be a kick!


Anyway, you know what they say about best laid plans, so we'll see how it works out! 



Jim I was looking at last years thread and you mentioned 2014 as a possibility. What says you. 

Originally Posted by BobG '57 VS:

Come on Jim, we'll surf the wake of the paddlewheeler that goes up and down the Illinois River. Plus, we have a distinct shortage of handsome Guamanians in central Illinois.

Yep, Or we will just say that your Old Man Rich's Caregiver, LOL.  Lane told you that Karma would get you with that 3 hour sand comment. 


If we were in the big city I would say "the Gaumanian is with me"  

Originally Posted by Marty Grzynkowicz-2012 IM Suby-Roadster:
Originally Posted by BobG '57 VS:

Come on Jim, we'll surf the wake of the paddlewheeler that goes up and down the Illinois River. Plus, we have a distinct shortage of handsome Guamanians in central Illinois.

Yep, Or we will just say that your Old Man Rich's Caregiver, LOL.  Lane told you that Karma would get you with that 3 hour sand comment. 


If we were in the big city I would say "the Gaumanian is with me"  

Bwaaaaaa haaaaaaaa! I get that all the time! You guys are killing me!


Might not be able to join you knuckleheads this year. Ginny's mom lives with us and celebrated her 99th birthday last November. As she gets more frail and forgetful our role as caregivers continues to increase (which was the reason we moved her in with us 10 years ago). She's a beautiful person always with a positive outlook, lives a comfortable life with us, is happy as a clam and loves basking in SoCal sunshine (Ginny & family are from Tamaqua, PA) but you never know what the next day will bring.


So anyway, we'll see how it all plays out. But know this, when we are able to make travel plans, we will definitely join the rank & file for an upcoming Corn Daze hullabaloo! 


"So it is written, so shall it be done" - Exalted Ruler of Stanistan

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