2023 West Coast Cruise Details
The 2023 West Coast Cruise will the weekend of June 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, 2023. The Host Hotel will once again be Quality Inn & Suites with their infamous Manager's Special every evening from 5:30PM-7:00PM. Room rates are $229.00 Friday night and Saturday night and if you want to stay Sunday night the rate drops to $149.00.
There are 15 rooms blocked off and the deadline to sign-up with the hotel is May 1st, 2023. After that regular room rates apply.
We will be able to use the breakfast lounge for our dinner and I am still working on making arrangements for a caterer. I'm looking to bring someone in to cook onsite or a local restaurant who can deliver enough food to feed our group.
If a caterer is lined up and the prices meet our needs I'll let everyone know and they can send me the money the old fashioned way via a check in the mail or the more modern method of PayPal, Venmo, ApplePay, or Zelle if you're trying to hide your money from the government.
Also, plan to bring a raffle prize for the raffle. It doesn't have to be car related but if you have a nice bottle of wine, spirits, t-shirt, poster, or etc that would be appreciated.
Quality Inn & Suites
1631 Monterey Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
(805) 242-0269
Please call the hotel directly and reference group code SOC 2023
Respond back here once you're signed up so I know who's coming.