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I wish to say Thank You to all that made this past Carlisle weekend a success! Thanks to Gordon, Chris, Alan, Bill D, EC Bruce! Thanks to those that donated prizes for the Sat night Dinner raffle. I am sure I have left out a few names that deserve a note of thanks. Thanks to all that made this weekend a success!

Carlisle Club Participation Awards

3rd place went to



FF Speedster "C"

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I wish to say Thank You to all that made this past Carlisle weekend a success! Thanks to Gordon, Chris, Alan, Bill D, EC Bruce! Thanks to those that donated prizes for the Sat night Dinner raffle. I am sure I have left out a few names that deserve a note of thanks. Thanks to all that made this weekend a success!

Carlisle Club Participation Awards

3rd place went to


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Well, Moose-B can speak for himself, all too well as we have seen, but I can tell you we did not really treat him all that hospitably. Whatever bug was going around, he got Sat PM, and was dealing w/ Sunday. Don't know how he's doing now, and assume he made it home OK, but he was not well. Nor I, as it turns out. I was about 245 hrs behind in contracting and dealing w/ this upper respiratory discomfort. Am better today, but still not recovered.

So, we had our SoCal Ambassador, Mr. Pineapple Head, and the best we could do was parade him around in the rain for two of three days, and send him home sick. I bet he will not be returning. On the other hand, I saw a video of Moose-B flying down the lane w/ Pip in Spyder doing an outrageous speed, and I have neverin my life, boys and girls, seen a more fully developed SEG anywhere. I hope he posts that video up, because it is CLASSIC! So, I suppose he will get better, and may soon forget the chest cold, but he will never forget that Spyder -- he'll be back.
Thanks for the considerartion, my rocket-guiding/Speedster-driving/waffle-eating BRUTHA!! Hope you are on the road to recovery from the flu bug - as you most likely caught it from me sharing the close quarters of your top-up Speedster.

In spite of the rain, mud, flu-bug - I had a GREAT time! As an avid outdoorsman, weather doesn't bother me. I was down-for-the-count upon my return home Monday night and didn't have the energy to work on my Carlisle pics. I will do that tonight along with the video clips I took.

To all my Carlisle SOC friends, you've enriched my life with your hospitality and I hope that our paths cross again very soon. You'd think with all the car-events my wife Ginny & I attend, we do nothing but Speedster stuff, but I do spend vacation time on remote off-road excursions, ocean-sailing adventures and time with grandkids. Were it not for that, I'd be driving my pineapple-headedness to the Dragon Run this fall (after terrorizing Colorado, that is). Hmmmmm...

Will post pictures and video tonight...
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