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What Wofgang said; I don't see any point in putting a 356 motor in a fiberglass car when you can do so much more with a VW motor (which so many people wouldn't know the difference anyway!) for so much less. I mean, when you can get Carrera hp from a mild 2 liter (revs to 6000) for way less $$ than a 75hp 356; and if you build a little bigger and let rev a little higher....

not at all- my english is not that good and to the ones that are concerned,i do speak 3more,french/spanish and original german, how many languages do you speak? i do not try to use your site for advert-but to give acess to the ones that like the porsche stuff,i do not have any kind of buisness and are retired[70] and like to play building cars[replicas] i do not know how to delate the post and invite anybody to do this or guide me to do so- have a nice day/christmas+ newyear  

Manfred, I apologize because sometimes these responses can seem a bit aggressive or critical.  I think when we write things, things can sound worse than they are and I suspect the language barrier can make things seem worse Still!


Everyone here is nice, but sometimes we have very vocal opinions.  We are glad to have you here, please stick around!


Manfred, please feel free to post anything you wish. What ever is inappropriate will be deleted. Even though America is a free country, as this site is, there are many who wish differently. The site has changed from a fun carefree forum for those of us that follow the Porsche dream to one more attuned to soap box rants (myself included)and a more commercialized site. Membership was always free and those that could appreciate what the site and SOC meant to them could contribute. Many have decided to leave since the change and others like me have returned but not contributed. I miss the dialogue from Spidergirl and Cory as well others, I only returned for the jokes and to take digs at my bro Vince. I, for one will have your back and would have loved to have one of your engines if it wasn't for the Subi.

And that's another thing I like about Bob, a nice furriner, tsh tsh tsh boom, but seriously folks, I agree with Nolan.  I don't see anything different with Manfred offering several real 356 motors for sale than somebody offering a car for sale.  I do agree that becoming a supporting member would be a nice thing to do since he is using his membership for advertising purposes. 

my 2 kroner


Thanks for the concern everyone. It's nice to see members wanting this site to remain. (I sometimes feel I'm outnumber in that concern.)


Manfred contacted me and explained that he is just a private retired guy who likes to find and rebuild engines.  His english is a little rough, but better than my spanish, german or french.  He asked that I delete this thread. I told him it wasn't necessary, but asked that he think about becoming a supporting member if he does end up selling an engine.


I cannot answer for Bob, but I'll answer for myself.  I once asked a question about Porsche fan housings, because I liked how they looked, and wanted to know the advantages/disadvantages.   


I felt the ensuing discussion by an "in group" was quite rude.  They were talking about how ignorant and superficial I was because I mentioned that I liked the looks of the fan housing. They clearly knew each other and had their opinion on the subject, but then were pretty aggressive towards me for having questions.  It really pissed me off and I didn't visit the site for a few months, who needs the abuse?


So I'm very sympathetic to poor souls like Manfred who wander in here and are treated a bit roughly.


And I'm guessing that some don't even intend to be aggressive, but when your writing something, it can sound one way when it was meant another way.  Add the language barrier on top of that and I can relate to how he was feeling.  


Cole,   I remember the thread because I have the 911 shroud, you are correct, a number of members got on the bandwagon of how we do it to be noticed and want to be cool, (but not as in the motor cooling way)

You need to have a thick skin bud.  These guys think they know everything and aren't afraid to

tell you what/how/where/when/why to do it...Don't take anything personal....

I, myself have been known to be one of these wiseguys...



Originally Posted by Cuzn Vinny:

Cole,   I remember the thread because I have the 911 shroud, you are correct, a number of members got on the bandwagon of how we do it to be noticed and want to be cool, (but not as in the motor cooling way)

You need to have a thick skin bud.  These guys think they know everything and aren't afraid to

tell you what/how/where/when/why to do it...Don't take anything personal....

I, myself have been known to be one of these wiseguys...



I too, feel the same way - one has to be very careful about what you say when you respond to anyone's post as well as being very, very careful about what you say about any manufacturer.   
None the less, if you are careful on this site, it can be a good resource.  Many people on this site did not actually build or assemble their own cars, so you have to take some of what they say as opinions rather than fact.
Merry Christmas and Happy reading(s) here on the site.
Originally Posted by Cole Thompson - 2009 VIntage Speedster:

I cannot answer for Bob, but I'll answer for myself.  I once asked a question about Porsche fan housings, because I liked how they looked, and wanted to know the advantages/disadvantages.   


I felt the ensuing discussion by an "in group" was quite rude.  They were talking about how ignorant and superficial I was because I mentioned that I liked the looks of the fan housing. They clearly knew each other and had their opinion on the subject, but then were pretty aggressive towards me for having questions.  It really pissed me off and I didn't visit the site for a few months, who needs the abuse?


So I'm very sympathetic to poor souls like Manfred who wander in here and are treated a bit roughly.


And I'm guessing that some don't even intend to be aggressive, but when your writing something, it can sound one way when it was meant another way.  Add the language barrier on top of that and I can relate to how he was feeling.  


Originally Posted by Ron O:

'in group' criteria?  Please explain.

Ron:  Cole's post pretty well explains what I meant.  Sometimes I see new posters on here getting a rough time, and I think people forget that this is an open site where anyone can post without knowing what the norms and mores are.


It's a long time since I took Sociology 100, so I can't provide more of an explanation than that.


I see it on other sites, too, where someone new innocently posts a question, etc. and gets a little of a rough time by the 'resident experts'. 


Human nature, I guess.  It's probably part of group dynamics that a new member has to take a degree of abuse and then has to prove his/her worth to be accepted.



Originally Posted by Theron:

Thanks for the concern everyone. It's nice to see members wanting this site to remain. (I sometimes feel I'm outnumber in that concern.)


Manfred contacted me and explained that he is just a private retired guy who likes to find and rebuild engines.  His english is a little rough, but better than my spanish, german or french.  He asked that I delete this thread. I told him it wasn't necessary, but asked that he think about becoming a supporting member if he does end up selling an engine.


the ron hi and thank you for your kindly words.i posted a line this morning but cannot find them anywhere.every morning now i have a bunch of [sometime real nasty]e mails[10] related to my 356 engine is not helping to pase my days.if this continues i like to cancel my membershipah can you put a tool to check spelling on your site?greet,s manfred

By far the best way to sell an item is to clearly describe it (to include condition), post location (can be costly to ship), add few pictures, and state your price (add OBO if you are open for offers).  


I'd love to see some pictures of Manfred's engines - even cell phone quality is fine.  There are several replica running true 356/912 engines (and few awesome ones with 911 engines).  

Cole--I appreciated your post and wince when I see a rude response to someone's question.  It didn't used to be that way and I can't say what caused the higher level of rudeness we see here today.  You had better not pay a compiment to anyone either or you might be accused of starting a "bromance"--- or some jerk will ask "do you want to get a room?" How stupid is that?? These type of comments do nothing to build comraderie or make a newbie stick around.  It was more mellow and positive in the past and I for one hope it starts to move back in that direction.  I certainly don't wan't to be part of anything that requires a thick skin.


I do have to say that without the great help I have received here my car would have 600 miles on it like some Speerdsters I see, so the site can be a wonderful resource. 


Like any group of people we have a wide variety---some are here to sincerely assist others while others are here for their own reasons.  I've been to Carlisle 5 times now so that tells you a lot about the many great friends I have made from the SOC.  Hang in there Cole---we are not all here to bash others' ideas and yours are most welcome as far as I'm concerned..

I agree that rude responses have no benefit to anyone and certainly do drive off both new members as well as old timers. 


That said, the mistake that most new joiners make, and I have done it too, is not to go to and read and understand FAQ's, or "read this first", or "new members read this", or search items for our issue. The natural inclination is to ask the question on what ever is on our mind.  95% of the time the problem is already covered in detail multiple times and most of us who have been here for awhile think the answer is apparent to everyone and if not apparent the "RTFM" is a common retort.  Which may be 100% correct, but certainly not friendly nor likely to go anyplace we need to be.


The mistake that most of old timers make is to comment on religion or politics, and we all know where that goes too...and we have seen all this recently and have lost valuable contributors as well as new people, and there I go mentioning the 3rd rail of discussions...politics and religion.  Please ignore....


And I would like to see photos of Manfred's engines, I am aware of several replicas with "real Porsche engines" in them.  $$$ per HP is high, but fun factor is there, and as I best recall, that is what this is all about...

" the engins" all the engines i came by only in the last 6 months, the last one i picked up on last satterday.all are dismanteled to the base block [not splitting the housing]the first P62955[56] is now in the stage of reassembly[some of the minor parts are very difficult to obtain and takes forever]all sheet[tin]is acid dipped and repainted,new connectionrod barrings installed,0.10 mm[first cut] new rings installed[2ring+oilscraper piston]alluminium/hardchrome cylinders deglased/new liner-base copperrings fitted,all valves handlapt and reinstalled[this is a dual spring head,so there are no oilstem seals.cylinderliner handlapt to head for proper sealing and so on+on+on when this is done-will run the engine and vidio it.fore the ones who care.i did my apprentis ship in germany from 1956 to1960 at a vw-porsche dealership in duesseldorf deutschland[kahmann+schumacher d,dorf tal str. but did not work much as a mecanic in canada,my profession in canada+us was special effects tecnician+fabricator in the motion picture industrie[retired 07]greets manfred

Manfred, I didn't mean to single you out and give you a hard time.  My thought, when I made that flippant response, was if you're going to sell your wares on this forum you should become a supporting member. Everyone who has posted after my original post has disagreed with me and I must concede to the majority.

You sound like a straight-up guy and not the internet hucksters that we see every once in the while.

Manfred, my apologies and welcome to the forum.



thank you ron a little support help,s  i do not wish to make this a buisness but i have a lot of porsche things that someone on this site is looking to find to complete his or her i like to see that my stuff is in use rather then in my boxes collecting dust! pardon my english i am working on it for the better happy holydays manfred

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