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Well, Here goes.... Im investigating a reproduction of a 356 speedster. I want a new build, not someone else's heartburn. Im excited about going to Carlisle to touch and feel all the replica car products. Im leaning to a Type 4 engine, with a 901 or 915 tranny. Obviously, this is an expensive route, but Im 55 and have come to this decision to get what I want. I would like to open up a free for all as to which way I shouild go, or not go. Any comments... I have had a 944t, 911 Turbo cab in the past so this not completely foreign soil. I could buy or restore a real one, but I want to DRIVE it not look for an investment opportunity. Any comments?
1957 Intermeccanica(Speedster)
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Well, Here goes.... Im investigating a reproduction of a 356 speedster. I want a new build, not someone else's heartburn. Im excited about going to Carlisle to touch and feel all the replica car products. Im leaning to a Type 4 engine, with a 901 or 915 tranny. Obviously, this is an expensive route, but Im 55 and have come to this decision to get what I want. I would like to open up a free for all as to which way I shouild go, or not go. Any comments... I have had a 944t, 911 Turbo cab in the past so this not completely foreign soil. I could buy or restore a real one, but I want to DRIVE it not look for an investment opportunity. Any comments?
I may not be of help regarding the manufacturer of your proposed car but I can attest to the following. In many instances, it's wise to buy used. If the seller, previous owner, was savy, he/she will have the car sorted out and most of the new car problems solved.

Reasons for a new car. Although it's possible to retrofit newer running gear, it's wiser to have the car built around the trans and engine combination.

Type IV power::: I do a great deal of mechanical work for SPyder owners and have just recently transcended to Speedster owners. I have a real love for Type 1 power but realistically, the Type IV engine is far superior, both for power output and logevitiy.

No reason to tout the wothyness of a Porsche transaxle as it can take much more punishment than any "built" Type 1 transaxle

I hope this helped, if not, Ignore me !!!!!
Every time we open up a "free for all" on this subject, weapons are drawn and blood is spilled. If you can get to carlisle you will be able to see several manufacturers and talk to a host of people with more knowledge than you can absorb in one weekend. You can see George Browns car being brokered by Henry (from IM). My opinion is that you would get a much better idea of whats available with less biased advice in person vs this forum.
I was alone in the world of Replica Speedsters until I found this forum. I need to wrench on my car on a weekly basis. But I love it. I have rebuilt just about everything the original owner had professionally built. I think it is sorted out pretty well, however, if you put my car up against most of the quality vehicles I have seen here it wouldn't hold a candle to them. Every time I visit the forum, I see some new, innovative modification that I just have to have. Your best bet is to go to Carlisle and "shop" around. Then the next thing to look for is a "buddy" that may not be far from you to hook up with, and assist you on your build/purchase.

Howard, "Butch" is for sale. Butch is fellow forum member Paul Harford's mean Jake Raby built Type 4 equipped Speedster. It's arguably the fastest Speedster out there, at least in the US. Check the classifieds for a look:
Howard, you bring up a very hard conversation here.. to judge one against another is to judge a your child against your wife! ONe brings you a great sense of pleasure and excitement while the other helps you build for the future. You mentioned that you were in your mid 50's, that is a very key point because if you were like me I wanted it new and nice.. but I to went for the 'Used" model and I love it.. if you have the money then it doesn't matter what WE say here, it's your choice, you can build any car you like with these awesome vendors here, just depends on what your willing to pay for it.. Bottom line.. Your driving it and your paying for it! Good luck, Get in, shut up and HANG-on Baby!

Enjoy your NEW ride!

Speedster "D"
Howard, I'll be at Carlisle on Saturday. Feel free to poke and ask questions, but unfortunately my Type IV won't be operational. Jim Sartwell is coming with me. He's an ace mechanic and builder of dragster Beetles, so he can probably talk your ear off about what works and doesn't; one opinion among many, many qualified opinions available that day.
Boys, I thank you all for your comments. I live in NJ and am going to Carlisle very early Saturday to get up close and personal with these cars. Im getting alot of info from various sources about engine/tranny combos, etc.... Im talking to Raby about a 2635 kit Type 4 and the Power-techboys in Rockaway, NJ to put it together and ship it to wherever for final completion, probably in 07. Color combo will be the biggest decision. Im juiced!!!!!
Finally an Intermeccanica guy (Stan) responds to a thread about IMs and that other brand (kidding). Howard, we IM owners are a little careful about responding on this forum. Any touting of the Speedsters/Roadsters we love may be perceived as salesmenship or as copping an elitist attitude.

With that elitist whine out of the way, I agree with many of the posts. A trip to PA may be the best way to look at all of them up close and talk to builders. You have my mail and the IM URL. Good luck in your search! A T-4 beast sounds like a fun way to go fast. (Ask Paul Harford)

EP Associates.
If your thinking about rockaway you can't live far from me in Randolph. My daughter and I will be at Carlisile with her IM on saturday provided it's not raining too hard. Just finishing some work on it and it needs a run. Hope to see you out there. My daughter's car is a blue IM with black interior.
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