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I kind of like the way original 356 and 912 motors look with the cartridge oil filter left of center on the fan shroud.  I'm in the midst of tidying up my engine compartment and thinking of fitting one of these filters to my "full flowed" VW motor.  Anyone have experience with this or seen it done?

356 motor


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  • 356 motor
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It looks very cool and it's period correct, but it's a bypass filter, so it only filters some of the oil some of the time.

Edit- it's not a replacement for a full flow filter, which delivers clean oil to the bearings 100% of the time.

I think there are a couple guys here using them as tool/parts storage, though.

Last edited by ALB

I don't know if it is even possible to run "full flow" oil volume through one of those 356-style filters....the hoses/tubes going to/from those original filters were only 1/4"-3/8"......pretty small.  As a comparison, I have a true "full flow" oil system (all oil goes through the filter/cooler), and all of my hoses are 1/2"-9/16" ID.

If you really, really, really want to use that filter assembly for the semi-authentic "look", then install if with a full flow system as a decorative accessory which looks like it works, but is, in fact, a dummy with plugged hoses.

THEN, you could use the non-working canister as a spare parts or tool holder.

Last edited by Gordon Nichols

You're right, Gordon; that filter was never designed for full flow, and you can't pass the amount of oil that the pump will push at higher rpm's through those small lines. At higher rpm's I suspect the pump will break the drive tang off the gear shaft just like the in/out and filter pumps are purported to do if they aren't opened up properly. 

If the oil lines are kept short (no running to coolers up front), 3/8" hose and fittings are adequate for even a high revving street engine. I would have a look at the fittings and re-work as necessary, as some are restrictive. I've been told also that the fewer number of 90 degree fittings used the more efficient (with less pressure drop) the system will be.

Last edited by ALB
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