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Daniel, people that hang here pretty much know what's going on with you and Vinatge. That's said, I do like much of your work and it will appeal to new buyers.  The Constructive Criticism I have  Is that you have a tendency to drop the gloves very quickly .   I am sure  your or a nice guy in person and just have that A-type personality.  This is a public forum and cockfighting is a major turn off to many  prospective buyers.  

Seduction Motorsports posted:

Guy comes on here and starts up again. I reply jokingly. Everyone gets upset. Lol. Classic. 

Seduction Motorsports posted:

Pipefitter guy expresses honest opinion regarding the Louis XIV interior of a speedster over on FB site. Internet tough-guy goes ballistic, tells pipefitter guy he's a "butthurt" "keyboard warrior" poser. Pipefitter guy not so afraid of long-distance internet tough-guy, expresses same opinion (no attacks, or names-- just opinion). Internet tough guy goes apoplectic, reveals true nature, and gets booted from FB site.

Internet tough guy comes here, acts like nothing happened, sort've threatens the mouth that feeds him. Pipefitter guy reminds internet tough-guy that nobody has forgotten the FB episode. Internet tough guy tells him to "lube up" (it's a joke, see?) Nobody's upset but the tough-guy. He "lol"s. No one else does. 


 *fixed it for you.

Last edited by Stan Galat

'Builder,' to me, means you started with raw materials and f'n made something. In this case, that'd be the coupe shell, long sought after in this hobby, and mad props to Vintage -- whose cars have been motoring down the road for years. Nice work, Alex (and the rest of the crew there)!

'Interior decorator,' means you go all Louis the Whatever, and a sore hiney when you get called out after being a prick elsewhere.

I like hair pie.

But seriously, Daniel, vendors are held to a higher standard of behavior on this site because they're talking to their customers or future customers.

On top of that, the vendors that do participate here have set the bar very high indeed. Carey and Henry are real gentlemen who usually only comment if they can be helpful, whether it's their customer, or not.

The rest of us (me included) can get away with being a d**k every now and then.

The reputations that they have developed have created loyal followings and helped them sell lots of cars.

A lot of people come here to learn about vendors & makes & the comments here carry weight with them.

The rest of us are just sick in the head with experience.  Fair or not, though, our opinions also carry weight with buyers.

When you poke the bear, you're not hurting us, but only damaging your chances with future buyers.

The FB site is a closed group.  This is site is open and people can read all of the comments without even signing in.

I'm sure that you aren't interested in my advice because you're smarter than I am, but I gave it one last try.



Last edited by Tom Blankinship

20160408_140523_resizedFirst, I'd like to clear a few things up. To me it seems that some don't fully grasp that there are two separate companies. Vintage Speedsters(Kirk and company) have been building fine Speedster replicas for years in Hawaiian Gardens.

Then in the 90s(1996 I think) Greg Leach acquired the company and tooling from the former ACI company that made Spyders. He shared a building/address with Kirk, and changed the company name to Vintage Spyders.

After a while, Greg moved his operation to Stanton CA. After a bit more time, the big scary lawyers from P forced Greg to change the name to Vintage Motorcars

I think I'm pretty accurate on this history, but if I'm not, please correct me.

My first Spyder came from Greg at Vintage as will the second one currently being built. All of Greg's production is now USA made, bodies and frames. Obviously, other parts are made elsewhere.

Vintage Motorcars make Spyders and pre-A coupes. Vintage Speedsters make Speedsters.

Daniel at Seduction buys bodies and frames in various states of assembly from Greg. This makes him an assembler/finisher by definition. He is NOT a manufacturer.

Daniel Verwers, some day you will grow up, I hope. I think you are truly the "butthurt" one. I wouldn't buy a car from you if you were the only Spyder "builder" out there. You see, it's your attitude, not your work. I may not like the taste of some of your customers, but I certainly appreciate quality. And that you've got.

I will only buy a Spyder from Greg at Vintage Motorcars. I've known him for 15 years plus. I got one of his original brochures back in 1996. He has continued to refine and improve the Spyder over the last twenty years. Plus, that car saved my life. That stout frame protected me. And I thank him for that, from the bottom of my heart.

If you want a Vintage Spyder or Coupe, get it from the source. I know I am, order is in, and frame is welded and out of the jig, going to powdercoat. Greg will not find a better cheerleader for his products.20160411_143531_resized


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Last edited by DannyP

Alex, pls do not be concerned that your input here is causing any trouble.  You guys do what you do rather well, and while the site is not designed to support commercials per se, I think all here welcome appropriate input from the various builders, assemblers, finishers, whatever.  Your input has been entirely appropriate so far as I am concerned.  As always, if we like it, we'll tell you in no uncertain terms.  If we don't like it, we'll tell you in no uncertain terms.  It's an open forum, and you get what you get.

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