Can someone clarify as this has confused me - and I realize different states have different laws. If a replica is registered as year of the chassis (say a 1970 VW 2 door sedan) it sits on (even though fiberglass body is from say 1989) would that qualify? Or does new owner have to document that the vehicle was fully assembled and registered before 1983? If registered as a 1970 VW sedan is registering official going to say - "sure looks like a convertible to me" and reject the title?
In my case I have a 1970 chassis with matching title, a 1972 engine case, a 1989 CMC title looking Certificate of Origin (CO), and car is yet to be register (since once registered it has to have insurance on it in FL or your driver's license is revoked - plus when in VA I'd even have to pay yearly personal property tax on it). I plan to title it as a 1970 VW (not sure about how the titles' sedan, orange color, $100 chassis Bill of Sale purchase price, and long gone ODO 72k miles will go over with FL tax officials. I do have CO and a spreadsheet of parts costs with receipts for over $13k (on which I paid sales tax on many be 50%). Frankly, there weren't many Speedster kits built before 1983 - some IMs, FF and maybe early CMCs. Probably a lot registered as year of donor or even as a 1955-57 Speedster. Special construction seems to take the year built/registered.
Add to above that some states don't even issue title for cars over 15 years old and importing a car into another state or country can be a quagmire! Emissions and safety equipement can be another hurdle. I've heard of folks importing costly old cars into the US only to have them seized by customs/EPA/DOT and end up going to the crushers.