Today was my day to take care of my daughter (5 months old) and generally that means driving around in the truck getting parts and things for my speedster project. She loves visiting the different machine shops and auto part stores.
Anyway, in the search for some temporary 5 bolt rims, I was referred to a VW/Porsche shop in Ballard (Seattle). All the best places are in the industrial areas and generally have lots of old cars tucked behind buildings and in alleys, etc. So, I drive up to this shop and drive down the side alley and low and behold, there sat a 356. I'm still a little fuzzy about models, but this was a hardtop, white. 356A?
So, I talked to the owner about rims and engines and such, and commented on the 356 out back, but it didn't dawn on my until I was on the way home that I should have asked him how much he wanted for it. It did not have an engine, and the interior needed some work, but the body looked pretty good and being in Seattle, a hard top would be pretty nice.
Now, what I was thinking, and this is probably WAYYY against the 356/porsche ethic, was to take the 69 VW/IRS I have been working on, which has disk brakes, adjustable front beam, etc, etc, basically much better suspension and running gear than the origional 356's (right?), and take the body off the 356 I found and put it on the VW pan. Any thoughts? Am I crazy? Should I just "restore" the 356? I have no idea if the 356 is actually for sale, or how much.
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