Saw this posting online and I want to check it out. This is my first time looking at replicas and was wondering how to check who the manufacturer is. Any help will be greatly appreciated since the owner is selling this due to the passing of their spouse and doesn't know how to check who made it.
Saw this posting online and I want to check it out. This is my first time looking at replicas and was wondering how to check who the manufacturer is. Any help will be greatly appreciated since the owner is selling this due to the passing of their spouse and doesn't know how to check who made it.
Replies sorted oldest to newest
It looks to be a early Intermeccanica based upon the 914 porsche gauges.
Also looks to be sitting crooked.
On that year, one of the engine lid hinges should have Intermeccanica printed on it. If not, it's a CMC/FiberFab and it looks to have suspension issues.
Looks to have a quite a few things that are not straight and set right , rear is too low, nerf bars are crooked etc etc. $19k plus is a hefty number as it sits and I'm sure more negs will come up as inquiries surface.
Here's hinge logo
And id stickers were applied to door frame too
My guess is FF/CMC
There are much better deals out there right now. Take your time as you don't want to do what George did...
The frontsuspension is definitely wonky. If I was the seller I would not have included a front shot of the car.
Tab, where is the photo showing the 914 gauges?
914 gauge shot
Thank you guys so much! This was all very helpful and if anything I can help the widow better know what she is selling if I walk away from it.
I bet the driver's rear is lower than the other side --- that would raise the passenger's side a bit. Doesn't help that nerf bars and license plate are out of kilter. Looks like maybe 914 seats too?
Specs on the engine would be helpful too - easy to put $8-10 in engine. Chrome doesn't add a penny but Dellorto/Weber dual carbs can add quite a bit. It does have nice wheels but if tires are 8 years old - they will need replacing for safety reasons.
The Reutter badge is added to all of the replicas. It doesn't mean anything as it is currently being used.
That shroud is lousy for cooling and to boot, they have a cooler in the motor bay which acts a preheater for air going into the fan for head cooling a bad combo....Grrrrr
So....Bottom line is there are so many things screwed up on that particular car that you should just walk away and never look back.
There are lots of cars out there either right now or coming up over the winter. Be patient, find a good one (we'll help from this site) and don't waste your money (or patience).
Any speedster can be a successful project if, the price is right, one has to do a complete assessment as to what it will take to bring to a safe, reliable looker w/o investing to the point where you are in it for more than it is worth. ..That being said IMHO that speedster is priced 100% above it's worth if it runs and drives and how to get it out of Montana.
Tell her to list it on THE SAMBA and identify that its an early IM. --- free like CraigList but you only find VW nuts there --- not plain nuts. You can list it here for her.