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My sense of it was, the real ones are too expensive to actually drive to brunch. So these high end guys have the real ones in storage and an IM for the occasional drive to the gold club. Beautifully made cars, no doubt. But are they really worth the money as a fun third car to drive?  I guess that is an individual question. For me, not really.

Tallahassee Craigslist with an Alabama prefix on the contact number. Probably phishing for numbers to sell to a robocaller.

I can't imagine someone trying to sell this car at that price on Craigslist. If this was legit the car would be sold through Hemmings or one of the other and much better online sellers. I would also expect there to be dozens of photos and not just one somewhat blurry photo that was probably gleaned from the internet.


OK. This is indeed weird. This ad shows up all over the country on different CLs.  Each ad shows only 1 photo of the car. If you contact them, it will take days. But when they finally get back to you, they say the car is located in Boise Idaho  ... blah, blah, blah. At one time they sent me to a website that had several bogus cars for sale. 190 sl for $38k,  an xke for $39k... not sure how they are scamming people unless some poor hapless soul sends them money for a photo of a car. Definitely not real. I will see if I can find that website again - if it is still up. Shifty people abound.

MotoCarlo posted:

OK. This is indeed weird. This ad shows up all over the country on different CLs.  Each ad shows only 1 photo of the car. If you contact them, it will take days. But when they finally get back to you, they say the car is located in Boise Idaho  ... blah, blah, blah. At one time they sent me to a website that had several bogus cars for sale. 190 sl for $38k,  an xke for $39k... not sure how they are scamming people unless some poor hapless soul sends them money for a photo of a car. Definitely not real. I will see if I can find that website again - if it is still up. Shifty people abound.

What website did they send you to?

Really gentlemen? I can't believe we are questioning the value of our "replicas". I thought the catch phrase was "Welcome to the Madness". So where does the madness end, or when does it become too much madness? It's all perception anyways. Henry builds a beautiful car---is it worth the money? To many ( those who truly appreciate the details) it is, to others--not so much. But to start to equate value in comparison to cars which aren't a valid comparison-----unfortunate. It's like a guy buying a custom made Ryan guitar and showing it to his neighbor. The neighbor says, "Whoa, I could've bought 10 Gibsons for what you paid for that thing". So what does James Taylor say? Yep.

Several years ago Rich Drewek toyed  (seriously I think) with the possibility of purchasing a very, very $$ reasonable Envemo coupe from Alaska!...The negative was driving it thousands and thousands of miles through all of British Columbia home to Wisconsin in the dead of winter.  I think this coupe was eventually acquired by Linkletter...It's now probably worth it's weight in gold

Yeah. I believe he recently yanked the car from JPS who was supposed to restore it and didn't. 

Regarding this IM. I have to think that the original price on this car was close to 80 grand back in 2009 based upon all the extras it has. I was pricing one out back then considering a build and it quickly escalated in price when you start adding in things like leather and rack and pinion steering.  So it's not like the car appreciated a ton since then. 

I also fly up to St Louis to look at a Envemo at Moto Exotica.  Spooky light build. Spooky car dealer. The entire deal felt wrong. I never even drove the car. Wobbly doors, front end patched up with fresh fiberglass, lots of oil underneth. missing bolts, wires hanging down, loos wiring in engine compartment, ... So I came away with a poor opinion of those cars (and that dealer). 
But I wonder if there is a difference between the ones that came from Beck and the ones that come from Brazil? I know Beck takes a lot of pride in their cars and the Becks I have seen have been very nice. Not like that Envemo.

But as a side note - please remember the photos in the CL ads we are looking at are not photos of a real car. These guys are simply taking photos off the web and posting as if they had the car for sale. As I said earlier, there are lots of ads like the Memphis ad I posted above all over the country. Just ads not real cars.


Sounds like a car that was crashed and patched up. Bad apple from a shady dealer. Maybe Carry knows the story about that car. What I can tell you is that the build quality on mine is amazing. The doors shut like a Porsche with that german like click.  You have to understand that the early cars had to pass the tuff german TUV standards in order to be sold there.  These were coach built cars back then albeit with some cheesy 80s stuff in the interior (shag carpets, leather 80s recaros on some of them and wanker VW switches on the dash)  I had the pleasure of visiting SE a few years back when they first reintroduced the super 90 and what I saw was top notch.  So like I said that motoexotic one was probably a rotten apple. 

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