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I wanted to know what your thoughts were Gentlemen on what a 9 year old IM would be worth today and what it SHOULD sell for.. 1600 engine and decent paint and top. runs well and could be a daily Driver.. That's all I really know.. I understand this is just speculation here, but your insight has been right on before and I would apreciate your thoughts..

Dave (Still Looking!)

1957 Vintage Speedsters(Speedster)

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Yeah, I here ya guys loud and clear.. This guy I was talking to really did not seem to know much about the car. He lives about 45 miles from me and it would not be a BIG deal to go out and check it out.. BUt I wanted to see if any else had an idea on a "Possible" price.. I agree you you two about the pix too. he was having some taken for the paper he is going to advertise in. I will continue to check on this too..


Dave (Still Looking)
Hoss, you ain't kidding my friend.. Thank God I live in So Cal where it seems to be Speedie Heaven....LOL... I really want to get out and see this car this weekend. I hope to have a report for you all by this coming Monday! Trust me Hoss I am in know way as educated as some of the folks on here, but I have learned a ton from you all and I know what I like, so only time will tell..

Dave (Still looking)
Well, I got a good look at it on Sunday.. man o man.. this car is a winner.. OVer all it looked pretty good. from a distance you could say OMG very nice, but as you looked closer and closer you begin to see a few things.. 1 the engine lid did not lock, 2 the hood lock did not work. 3 the finish on the hood was terrible even in black it looked shiny, but you could see where this guy did not know what he was painting. 4 the dash baord needed to be repainted, it looked like some one took a paint can and spray painted it. 5 the engine compartment look very dirty, and it ran pretty weak.. crapping out right around 2600 RPM's. 6 Fiber cracks ALL over the back and front end. 7 the biggest disapointment was that when I opened the drivers door the panel sticker said IM yes, but 1977... OMG.. I am STILL not sure if that meant it was made in 1977... but it did look (From the leg room) like a VW based pan.

Now the Positives: He did have some sweet looking rubber on it T/A radials rims were chromed and polished, it sat sweet and low man.. Adjustable front end too, Doors closed OK, and the rear pad seat wasn't very nice looking, but it was functional. the top was in good shape, but it did not button all around the perimiter. He did not have any boot (For Top) either.
Turns out that this car was actually made in California in Santa Ana. I asked for some back ground from Henry and he was able to tell me a few things about it.. Herny has been great here and I am very appreciative of that... The car is a pan based frame and WAS built in 77. It should pull a price of about 10 to 12K. Personally I do not think I'd pay 12K for that car.. just did not feel right. The way I caluated it I was looking at a couple of grand to fix this the way I'd like it, not $400. Henry did say if I needed parts he would get them to me too. Cool...

Dave (Still Looking)
Hey Vince guess what...

Yup I finally found my Speedie.. and she's bee-ute-tee-full.. Black on black with two tops and red leather seats.. Very sweet. only problem is that i can not pick her up till Tuesday.. Monday being a Holiday and all my banks closed and I can not get the cash! LOL... Well I've waited this long another 24 would hurt me! LOL.. I don't know what to call myself any more? Dave Still looking anit gonna fit! LOL..

Vince I wanna thank you for all your help here, you guys have fun and yet you give some interesting insight to possible problems and allow use "newbie's" to be just that... Newbie's without being judgemental!

Again thanksd for all you guys here.. "List is too long to type!

Regards, and see you soon in So Cal runs..

Dave G.
Thanks Ricardo, it's been a real "Journy" if I may say.. LOL.. Just like I mentioned to Vince your help has truly given me some insight as to what I wanted and what to ask for in a sales call. You folks have always treated me with respect even when I asked the silly questions.. and that I admire... I hope to talk the wife into heading up to Paso Robles in April.. I am still a fence setter there..

again Ricardo, Mucho's gracias mi Primo!

All my respect,

Dave G. (Cant say "Still Looking " anymore! LOL.. )
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