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You have just described my set up 2110 type 1 w/ about 170hp and a 901 5spd. It pulls about 3200rpm at 70mph. You have to make a slight modification to the starter. Everything else bolts right up. You may also need to add some support to the frame depending on pan vs. tube frame. My IM required a slight modification to one of the support brackets.


BTW: The 901 gear ratio works really well with this set up.

(Message Edited 8/6/2003 7:51:04 AM)
I have a remote oil cooler/fan in my car (2110 with about 150 hp). I had to mount a remote cooler because I'm running a 911 shroud (a very expensive way to go and not worth it). The oil cooler sits above the tranny. Cruising at 70 mph, at 3300 rpm, the temperature is around 190 degrees (85 degree outside temperature). If I could do it again (I guess I could, but I can't afford to) I would go with the stock dog house cooler and a type 3 or 4 (I can never remember which) oil cooler and try and get away with not running a remote. All those extra hoses, fitings etc...just more places for leaks and more things to go wrong. I think the old adage 'kiss' (keep it simple, stupid) is a good one.
Brian, Carquip in Colorado is very well respected for their 911 engine and transaxle work; they offer precision rebuilt 901 5-speeds outright or on an exchange basis. Because they do very good work and replace any parts which may be marginal their transaxles are not inexpensive. I had them build my new Speedster's 901 5-speed to my specs (904 inout shaft, special gear ratios, etc.). It wasn't cheap, but I got EXACTLY what I wanted.

They have a web site - call and talk to Jeff.
Here is a post from another VW forum. This fellow has a Gene Berg 5 speed in his beetle.
"A Berg 5 is about $1800 just for the basic parts. Add more for changing all the ratios. Add more for changing the r/p. Add more for all the heavy duty parts. Add more for a Rhino case. Add more for a ZF or Quafie.

Expect the cost, with labor to be between $3000 and $5000.

GB 5 speed or Porsche 901...either way it won't be cheap.
Ron, also add that a built up VW trans, even in a Rhino case, is not as strong as a 901 (VW racers break the VW items all the time). My rebuilt to as-new spec 901 5-speed with new 904 input shaft (a $700 item), custom Porsche gear ratios, and torque biased differential was around $4,200 and should easily survive up to 250 BHP.
Thanks for the connection to Carquip!
BTW Jeff no longer works there. But, Tom was quite knowledgable and helpful.
Yes, it will be costly, but with 4 FUN gears and a nice 5th cruiser, I will be able to keep the engine happy while cruising... and my right foot happy from 0-50.

Just remember that the 901 does have an Achiles heel.

It started out as a 4 spd and they made it into a 5 spd by adding a shaft for first. This shaft is supported at one end only. If you use the 901 for drag strip starts this shaft will eventually fail. I read that the factory's thinking was that no one really uses 1st except for a standing start on a hill (common practice in Europe but not here in NA) and besides, this was a car that was to be raced and you only ever use first on the start line anyway.

Something to remember if you fancy stop light drags.

Hey, I've got 200 hp in my 911 pickup, with a 901 tranny, and I always do smokey burnouts....really!
(editor note: the only time Ron has every done a smokey burnout is when he consumed four big bowls of super hot chili and accidently place a match near his rear end, while passing gas...okay it wasn't an accident)
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