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My 2015 Vintage Speedster came with the gas cap pictured here. I’d like to find a better looking one than mine, which looks like it came off the radiator of a 1953 Buick.

The made-for-VW caps I’ve found are either too small or too big. My fuel fill has a 60mm OD, and the cap I have now has a 62mm ID. Any ideas?


Images (3)
  • Cap
  • Cap 2
  • Tank
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The gas cap on my 2018 Vintage Motors CA Speedster began acting hinky, the inside ears going wobbly.  It began to take some effort to get it on and off.  I went to the local O'Rielly's auto store, showed a counter"person" ( a lady) my cap, she took it into the back, brought out a $7.99  generic, shiney stainless cap that was built better,  fit the same/better, had a better inside rubber seal and looked better.  Installs and removes much better (wider outside rim diameter with texture lines), seals better.  Send you a photo via PM if you want one.  Didn't feel I needed a VW cap, anyway.  


Wombat, here's a link to a long post I wrote a few years ago when I was in the process of resolving gas fumes in my 2013 VS, whenever the tank was topped up.

Part of the problem was the gas cap - and this may explain why your cap looks like it does. Yours seems to be a true unvented cap that fits our gas tanks - which is harder to find today than you might think. Many of the Chinese caps (which look somewhat more substantial than yours), are sold as 'unvented', but aren't unvented at all. And, since they're inside our trunks, they let fumes escape and allow raw gas to spill onto the carpet.

I eventually fixed the 'unvented' gas cap by plugging up the 'vents' with glue. If you find a better solution, let us know.


Attached photos of my new gas cap.  I wasn't home, so winged it on the description.  1) no texture ridges on outside rim.  2) don't think it's stainless  3) looks like the seal is off center, but there's a little curl from taking it off.  4) was $7.  5) Hecho en Mexico.  Everything else correct.  From O'Reilly's, tossed the box and didn't have the part #.  I have had no problems with fumes from overspill, did smell some with old cap, not this one.


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