No Cory, you sent me the COOLEST or the manufacturer's crests, "CLASSIC SPEEDSTER," that attaches to the handle that I'm after.
As I said, even a broken one is fine. I always check ebay for something worn or damaged, but they only have sweet repros, or the handles for the later cars. Getting stuff from Germany (or England, even) also adds too much to the cost, especially considering what my end game is for the car.
That said, of course it doesn't mean that all of you now have to foot my bill. I take almost personal offense whenever I read a post about someone looking for some part for short money, because they're just trying to build a car "on the cheap" or want to keep costs as low as possible.' This usually means that they want your sweet stuff at their cheap price.
NICE . . . he built his on a budget and you/I footed the bill and gave up the goods.
In this case, I just need something that someone would consider un-usable, for either structural or cosmetic reasons. There IS an end game, but getting there doesn't warrant using up all the good/rare stock, just the junk.