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Mary and Kirk do not use this forum to advertise cars, but I had a conversation with Mary over the weekend and they are sitting on a few new speedsters that are just looking for a home. I must assume that they were originally built for someone who changed their mind, since Kirk usually doesn't just build them for no reason..
Times are tough and money is tight, but here is an opportunity to have a new speedy at perhaps a reasonable price depending on what they are into them for.....
Just a thought...
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Mary and Kirk do not use this forum to advertise cars, but I had a conversation with Mary over the weekend and they are sitting on a few new speedsters that are just looking for a home. I must assume that they were originally built for someone who changed their mind, since Kirk usually doesn't just build them for no reason..
Times are tough and money is tight, but here is an opportunity to have a new speedy at perhaps a reasonable price depending on what they are into them for.....
Just a thought...

Great idea here. No one can go wrong with a new car from Kirk & Mary. They build a great car and NO ONE gives more support and aid than those two. I wish I had three! (one for CA, one for PA and one for home) Just think ... I could leave the trailer home and fly from SOC gthering to SOC gathering. :-)

Anyone looking for a great car just call Vintage Speedsters.

Happy Trails,
Dusty and LMS
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