As discussed in other post, VS have a larger gauge hole... On my 2013 this is what I found.( I'm sure every car is slightly different.
1) repo gauges--
- gauge hole is drilled to 110mm. Two of mine measured 112mm
- Chinese repo gauges are 105mm in diameter.
- VS uses the Porsche style rubber gasked to hold the 105mm gauge in the 110mm hole.
- the gauges chrome flange ring extend to 110mm, so the rubber gasket is not visible/ barely visible... Looks like it belongs.
2) with original gauges--- i have one late '56 and two '57 gauges restored by Palo Alto Speedo ( Harmut is awesome by the way)--- to install original 100mm gauges on to the larger 110-112mm hole you will need to----
- make a spacer ring to fill the gap/ hold the gauge... The rubber gasket alone will not fill the gap. There are some great post on this site on how to make your own gasket/spacer on the site... ( duck tape would work as well).
Sample picture of a member of SOC who built his own spacers... Looks good. One could alsopaint the rubber with Eastwood Elastiwrap metallic silver matched to the cars color code to make the gasket blend in... I sprayed a sample, and it matched prety close.
- OR reglass the larger VS holes, and have 100-105mm holes re-drilled.
... I have been traveling tons for work these past few months and unfortunately have yet to finish my install.... I'm going down the "build your own spacer/gasket and color match to blend"... And if I don't like the way it looks, I will re-glass next winter.
hopefully I will get home soon.... It's been a busy busy couple of weeks, going on months actually, traveling in Europe for business...
From sunny Spain, on my way to Portugal.
Ps- the madness was storm with this project for me. I also had Harmut rebuild the Chinese gauges w/ VDO guts, and original pointers/center caps.... Re-doing the faces to match originals was price prohibitive for me ( it would be cheaper to reglass and repaint the dash at a local corvette shop)., and the light would not shine through the face back which I like when driving in the dark.).. Overall, the repos with the VDO facelift look great..., the only thing that bugs me is that the Chinese font is not as pretty as the German font, and the speedo goes to 130mph.... In lieu of 120mph.... If it was not for yhT, I would re- install the Chinese repos and just sell/ repurpose the originals.