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George or Theron,, I have a Jpeg Courtesy of Jerry & Kathleen Keyser, Of 5 cars out in front of Builtmore. In reguards to the Holiday next Fall, at Builtmore It will not print or upload to my files here They must have put some kind of anti copy string on it any ideas. 0r should I just foget it

1957 Vintage Speedsters(Convertible D)

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Its Lost, I had to revert Photo Deluxe to get it straightened out, However ,I just received a mailing for the 2003 356 porsche calender. And its ,in it. Aha To get a new Calendar Send $16.oo Check or money order to; CALENDAR, PO BOX 937, Powell OH. 43065-0937
Three Fifty Six,Inc., is who you make the check out to. Or CALL (614)848-5038 PH ; (614)436-4760 FX; For Phone orders

(Message Edited 11/14/2002 9:10:21 PM) I BOO BOOeD BUT I fix the PHONE #s

(Message Edited 11/14/2002 9:11:44 PM)
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