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There is no single solution for a/c that works for everyone. The upside, of course, is comfort. The downside is that you will likely have an air-cooled engine that alreay runs hotter on hot days. Then you add the load of an a/c compressor to make the engine work even harder. The rule of thumb for commercial fishing boats is that you lose one hole for refrigeration. This means that a 6-cylinder engine is now 5, a 4-cylinder engine is now 3, etc. For effective a/c, you need some extra, available power from your engine.

Hopefully you will get some input from those who live in your area. They can tell you the number of days they wish they had a/c, and you can fine-tune your decision. Best of luck in whatever you decide.
It is possible, but talk to any good VW mechanic and I think they'd recommend against it. Here's a real basic starting point for your research and I'll bet you can find much, much more:

Plus I have heard this is a source for parts:

Personally, I'd avoid it it if you could. Just my opinion. Carey should be able to give you his two cents worth.
Joe, as a resident of Charleston, SC I have to chuckle when I hear you describe summer days in Mass. as "muggy". I've lived in the south all my life, and Charleston tops 'em all for "muggy". I have a Beck, and do not have A/C. When moving, it's fine. When stuck in traffic... well, those are the times when I leave it at home and take the daily driver. I really think A/C will not be worth the problems it will cause.

I live in Grafton (near Worcester) and KNOW about New England summers. I've also been living just south of Lane in South Carolina, so I know what THAT's like, too. Don't listen to Lane. Muggy in Framingham is MUCH worse than down here. It just doesn't last ALL SUMMER like down here, but when it it's hot in Framingham, it's just as hot.

Go for the A/C. The car will handle it and you won't regret it.
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