I would love to hear from a few experts in the field on the subject of the 356 replicas. I have done a bit of research, and have come to my own conclusions, but would love to hear if anyone has some knowledge they would want to share...
I currently own a 99 996 Cabriolet, and honestly...it just doesn't do it. Granted, it's modern and fast... but in South Florida (where I live) the car's talents are wasted in the bumper to bumper grind of everyday city driving...yawn.
I have done some SERIOUS looking into a 356 replica, and cannot come to any conclusions on which "line" would be best. Well, I take that back...I have an idea, I guess I just want some affirmation.
Here's the general idea: I live in SFla and it is HOT (Africa Hot!) like 9 months out of the year...so with that in mind- I NEED AIR CONDITIONING!! As well, living in SFla it rains on and off like mad, so a roll-up window as opposed to side curtains are a MUST! Other than that, I am just looking for a car that can be a semi-daily driver (reliable) and can put up with the Florida heat without melt-down.
Now, if anyone has any ideas....please let me in on it. I would rather not take the time to build my own car, just because I am only in the country for 6-8 months of the year and would really like to enjoy it ASAP.
I will look forward to any ideas, and appreciate any feedback.
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