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One thing I have noticed with HiPo engines is you can't use heater boxes because of the small diameter. Is there any interest in an aftermarket heater box kit that would work with high performance engines. Say with a 1 5/8 tube?

Or would you rather find a kit that would allow the retrofitting of a gas heater to your speedster. Say a kit that included the fiberglass box, insulation, exhaust tubing, wiring, etc. and gas heater?

I'm guessing the large heater boxes would be less expensive, but wouldn't give immediate heat either.

Along the same lines, I would be interested in hearing from owners who have heated seats. How useful are they. Do they keep you warm so that you don't notice the poor heat from the heater boxes (or don't miss them if you don't have them)? Or are they just a gimmick.

I'm looking for options to extend the driving season without having to wear a toque!
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One thing I have noticed with HiPo engines is you can't use heater boxes because of the small diameter. Is there any interest in an aftermarket heater box kit that would work with high performance engines. Say with a 1 5/8 tube?

Or would you rather find a kit that would allow the retrofitting of a gas heater to your speedster. Say a kit that included the fiberglass box, insulation, exhaust tubing, wiring, etc. and gas heater?

I'm guessing the large heater boxes would be less expensive, but wouldn't give immediate heat either.

Along the same lines, I would be interested in hearing from owners who have heated seats. How useful are they. Do they keep you warm so that you don't notice the poor heat from the heater boxes (or don't miss them if you don't have them)? Or are they just a gimmick.

I'm looking for options to extend the driving season without having to wear a toque!
1 5/8" heater boxes are available, or can be custom made/adapted. My old car with 1 5/8" system has matching heater boxes and puts out a lot of heat fairly quickly in the winter.

Different cars will offer diferent location solutions for an Espar gas heater.

Electric seats are a little luxury car wussy for my taste unless you have a lady friend you want to keep warmed up.
(Message Edited 10/7/2003 12:17:08 PM)
Ron: My luxury, wussy IM came with heated seats. I don't think I would have ordered them, but there they were. I have not used my seat heater as yet, but my 'lady friend who I want to keep warmed up' - read wife - has, and she certainly likes them.

So, I guess it depends. Like George says, they might be considered a little overkill. I do use the heated seats in my wagon, and like them, but again, I don't use them on a regular basis. Too 'old school', I guess. The switches in the IM are on the tunnel, right near the shifter. I grew up driving unheated cars through the winter, so that colours my opinion.

Besides, you would look so cute in a toque.

(Message Edited 10/7/2003 2:36:34 PM)
I'm not expecting the retrofit of a gas heater to be easy or cheap, and if 1.625 heater boxes are available, then I think I will go that way. Modifying seats by adding heaters is about a $500.00 ticket, and they heat the wrong side. It's the front side that gets cold.

I already have a toque Ron, but it is the wrong color as it doesn't match the car, it matches my snowboard.
Ron: Do you mean your car has no heater boxes? They could be retrofitted, along with an under the dash three speed heater fan. That arrangement keeps my car toasty warm, especially as our autumn here in Ontario has been much colder than normal. After driving for a while, I have to turn the fan off or the cabin gets too warm.

The pictures aren't necessary, but I wanted to try out this new system of posting pics to the forum.

(Message Edited 10/7/2003 5:01:21 PM)
P.S. I hope this exhaust system lasts as long as I do. I don't look forward to having to replace it.
(Message Edited 10/7/2003 5:03:32 PM)


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