More Shots...including a windscreen that i've been working on. Off the subject, but i'm pretty stoked with how it turned out!
.25" Polycarbonate. Should have laminated with 1/16" plexi for scratch resistance.
Made a template from cardboard and then transfered the file to Adobe Illustrator.
Printed at full size and spray mounted to the plastic backing. Had to freehand cut with jigsaw using a 10T per inch metal blade/smooth cut. Limited tools, would have been better with a bandsaw probably???
You should be able to get a pretty good line if you don't try to over power the blade. You can sand down with 60 grit to get a nice surface. Unlike Plexi, you cannot heat the edges for that glass finish. It will bubble up. I sanded with 220, 300 and finished with 400 for a frosted look.
I just mounted the inside frame, and will finalize securing this thing once I take it out for a test drive...