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Bill, thanks for opening this discussion. I too believe that it is worthy of discussion.

Personally, I would just as soon avoid judged events. The "wine runs" show and shines, and just plain fun runs are much more to my liking. We all love our cars. If we didn't we would be looking for another or perhaps a different pastime.

I had the pleasure of visiting both the left and right coast SOC events this year and was delighted with the variety of cars and people who showed up. There was not a car present that I would not want to make room for in my garage. They were all wonderful. I look forward to another opportunity to get together with all of you wonderful guys and gals again someday.

As Forest Gump would say, "that's all I have to say about that."
1957 Thunder Ranch(Speedster)
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Bill, thanks for opening this discussion. I too believe that it is worthy of discussion.

Personally, I would just as soon avoid judged events. The "wine runs" show and shines, and just plain fun runs are much more to my liking. We all love our cars. If we didn't we would be looking for another or perhaps a different pastime.

I had the pleasure of visiting both the left and right coast SOC events this year and was delighted with the variety of cars and people who showed up. There was not a car present that I would not want to make room for in my garage. They were all wonderful. I look forward to another opportunity to get together with all of you wonderful guys and gals again someday.

As Forest Gump would say, "that's all I have to say about that."
I got an email saying I had "sour grapes" excuse me, but I didn't even have a car in the show? ," and thats about all I have to say about that"

BTW, the original thread was asking for pictures of and or drawings of tube frames, not if the TR frame was really a tube frame, so in reality none of it should have been brought up? Of course, he could have actually given the guy some pictures?
Hey Vince - Theron!

Let's not waste summer (driving) days away! How about a random weekend is picked in each month of summer (or continuum), announce for that chosen weekend that a wine-run, local day of touring, car meet, picnic (or whatever) will occur. Whoever can make it shows up (matching a weekend perfect for everyone is logistically too difficult)!

Participants could pitch in (prize, dollars, white-elephant, fake trophy, whatever) and a raffle at the end of the day for a winner take all!

Run, Forrest, Run!!


Images (1)
Nolan. I dont recall you attending the west meet. If you did, your opinion is welcomed. If not, maybe this is a thread you might want to gather some info before commenting.

Vince. Anything I attend in the future will not be associated with AHA, Knotts, etc. I think the majority of us agreed. Sunday's bravo sierra just put the icing on the cake. Hope to see you again, driving the PCH.

Bill, congratulations on the award from AHA. I think you are right about the judging. The Cobra folks and other macaroons had such a depth of knowledge on Speedsters that they saw yours as the most accurate and authentic Speedster there. I also think that the Manufactuers trophy went to TR because of the same unbiased and objective judging. I hope you win next year and that TR gets another trophy too. Those side curtains are the secret.

I am outa here.

Screw AHA, Knotts, and the Thunder Ranch horses they rode in on.
My trophy was the best, I got to meet all the great people that own one of these little cars,reguardles who built them. The wine was a plus, I even ended up with two bottles. I was fortunate enough to share a bottle of the soc lable up in Oregon again with some great people over a barbique dinner. Every time I get to attend one of the meets,runs,or just running into someone while out and about driving my liitle car, Thats the real trophy. We all drive our own special little trophy, and I feel thats what makes this groupe great. Oh btw, Scott it still all your fault.
Shame on me for posting a comment on the General page. I didn't realize that some people were so territorial. I didn't attend since it's along way from Ft Lauderdale to California to drive a Spyder so I followed other members comments and KCB articles and felt some affinity to those able to attend. If my comments offend anyone I feel sorry for them since I don't condemn others for theirs.
I don't think I will be attending or supporting the AHA show next year. I will be holding a drive day and meet in a nice area of CA. I've had it with paying $35 + dollars to sit in a hot dirty parking lot.

There will be no trophies.
There will be no judging, just enjoying.
There will be nice gifts for everyone who brings their car.
There will be nicer gifts for donating members that bring their car.
This event will be for all speedsters, spyders, roadster, cabriolets, coupes or anyone who would like to look at them.

A nice coastal resort would be choice.

Gordon: Thanks for the inclusion in the non-IMers club. I see that there are a few Porche-like complexes here on the Speedster site like there are on the Spyder site. I hope my purchase of a SAW Cabrio wont exclude me from the Air-cooler and Speedster groups. My passion is for Porsches regardless if they are real, air-cooled, water-cooled, replicas or kits. Any company and owner/enthusiast that support the image is in my good book. Snobs and strict purists remind me of the various religious groups that argue their God is better. No offense intended just my own opinion, like a rectal orifice everyone has one no matter how full of sh-- it is.
I have been a concours judge for more than 15 years...
Perhaps not pebble beach qualified, but throughout So. Cal.....
The first thing you need to know is what you are judging for....
cleanliness, workmanship, etc....if these cars were in a real concours, they would all be in the same class....special interest (replica's)So it comes down to just a few basic areas.
If you have a 50K IM with air, heat, electric windows, and all the other bullshit some of you like, its judged the same as mine with none of that crap....
you gotta set the ground rules so you know what to look for....
Perhaps: best paint, best motor, best looking, peoples choice
and thats about it.....maybe separate the flares from the classic
body.....its very easy and I would be only to happy to help organize
the process....I would of course remove my car from consideration, since I don't need no stinking trophy anyway.....
Vince, you bring up a good point. Knowing what you are judging for.
The Speedster was a no frills, bare boned, seat of the pants sports car, concocted for the American market, I believe. When you get right down to it, a Speedster with air, windows and all the other amenities really doesn't fit the criteria. But don't get me wrong, if one could swing it, who wouldn't want one. There are some really nice ones out there!

Brian, Brian, Don't put down what you're not up on.
Maybe not on a regular basis, but the camaradarie of meeting up with everyone is a rush and makes for a GREAT time. Be it on asphalt at Knotts or the Fields of Carlisle, it is a great time.You also have the makings of a cruise with long line of cars. It's like a long holiday if you will.

Holy cow, Angela! That would be awesome if you put together a plan to drive to Carlisle. I hope that you can pull it off. I think that you would enjoy yourself. It's a great bunch of folks who gather there, as is true with Knotts. You do plan on bringing Steve and family on this adventure....well of course you do. Do you think you could talk others (eg. WC Bruce) into joining your caravan? Looking forward to seeing you all next May.

Whew, This old guy will be 69 then,(if I'm still alive, LOL) and don't think I'm up to a 5000 mile RT in a Speedy, especially going thru twister alley in May. Actually I think I'll be driving back to the midwest next summer some time. Been three years since I've been back and have the check out everybody and see if they have got any older. From the Chicago area to Eagle Point was 2100 miles and 2 1/2 days of really hammering it 12-14 hours a day with 2 protesting cats in the van. Chicago to Carlisle is probably another 600 or so, Lordy. Lordy, in an open car. That would be one for the books! I'll post off line an idea for you guys to ponder!

W.C. Bruce
If I do this, I'll probably just fly Steve out to join me. He is not able to take as much time off work as I do. I would like to leave a week early to allow me to fix any "problems" that might occur and still arrive at the show in a timely fashion while only putting 500 or 600 miles a day on the car. If I get there early, then I have more time to polish the bugs off! Not real concerned about the return home because if I'm late getting home, oh well!!!

When the event is closer, I'll confirm participation and let you guys know. If nothing else, what a fun adventure.
Angela, Hi , David Barrett, had dinner with you three at Knotts...I'll drive the speedster with you on the trip, if we can agree on a route. I like the 500-600 miles a day, as long as you don't drive the spyder at its limit. I could never keep up. I have friends just south of there for a place to, rest, before or after the show and a farm in NE arkansas we can take a break also, mom's catfish farm. I just might have the rsk done by then also and this would be a good break in drive..I love cross country runs
Maybe you're right Bill. There's a show here every July 1st but I haven't been in town then for the past few years...Its the one time of year that my wife and I can go for 3-5 weeks holidays. Otherwise its a few days here and few days there.

If all goes as planned then I'll be making a long drive next year in my IM. Got to move the car to Ontario to put in storage for a year until we go there for good...
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