Gents, the high pressure tank for cars has been solved. Composite materials are used and if they are damaged and release gas, the structure just turns into a big ball of fuzz. It would be exciting, and likely noisey, but the thing will not generate shrapnel nor will it fly around like a heavy gas bottle.
Ever see a car fire? Or what happens when all that gas ignites at one time? We run around town and elsewhere with what amounts to a large bomb in our tanks all the time. Shit can happen, and all that enegergy can be released at one time, but it is hard to do, and we cope.
Meanwhile, the compressed gas car thing is a fool's erand, I think. More scam than engineering. Much energy is wasted in compressing the gas, which has the compression work available to you later, but also a lot of heat generated when compressed that is wasted. Expanding the gas through a trurbine or piston arrangement to make the car go will not be 100% either. A complete energy audit of the whole process will not be very impressive, I do believe. Better you should compress natural gas and put that in the tank, and then burn it in an engine. That has been done.