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As some of you know, I've been beating the bushes on the west coast, trying to find a responsibly priced speedster replica. I've been watching every marketplace I can thing of, just trying to find a sensible car.


Lately it seems like everyone has lost their collective marbles.


The last two auctions on ebay for CMC's have pretty much cemented my opinion.


This car seems like it's an okay place to start:



Drips and sags in the paint.

The rear bumper looks like it's for a wide body or something.

Classic 1970's vinyl interior

Roached out carpets

 etc. etc.

It's a generally basic car with some simple needs. The car needs a complete interior and some sorting with the mirrors, badges, tweaks here and there. A 1600cc motor, nothing major. Should be a good place to start.  Reserve NOT MET at over 17,500?!

Second car:


I called this guy:

His ad reads:

1956 Porsche 356 Speedster, $18000

 - Porsche 356 Speedster replica
 - nice patina

 - 1835cc dual carbs


One crappy photo! Hardly any info in the ad. I called and we talked for 15 or so minutes. Fiberfab. Untouched. Wide 5 rear. 4 lug front, running adapter plates. Drums on all 4 corners. 914 gauges. Below average top/interior, etc.  Seller is absolutely firm at 18,000. Unflappable firm.


The third car is that red speedster from AZ.


That car 'sold' for an honest $15,100 on eBay. A wee bit more than I'd like to see for a car in that shape, but not a crazy price. The showed back up because the buyer didn't pay up.  The car was then listed for 20k, then $20,999, and finally 22 and some change. Yup, you read that right. The car appreciated over 6k in value in less than a week.

The seller in Salt Lake with that original cmc kit is firm at 6k. That seems wildly overpriced as well.


Is it just me, or has the CMC/Fiberfab speedster replica market gone crazy? I'm just trying to buy a project to fix up and drive. Do I need to reset what I think is a reasonable price so pay? Did I just get priced out of the market? Am I taking crazy pills?


Many of you have been invaluable resources via private dialog. I sincerely thank you for your guidance and support. I'm just not sure what else to do at this point.


Am I the crazy one?





Last edited by TRP
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Traditionally, this is the time of year to buy but, with the mild winter weather and the current auction activity, sellers are realizing a better market for them.

Ted you seem to be a reasonable fellow with an impulsive need to purchase NOW. I suggest you continue to look and offer what you can afford. I'm confident that the market will settle down a bit once we have a little wet weather here. While you're looking/waiting, add to your piggybank and, who knows? You might find yourself in a position to buy a speedster further up the food chain.

Patience, grasshopper.

Used to be a guy posting here couple years ago that I nicknamed "3D".  His goal was bottom line price for top knotch car.  His "3D" quest was to find one as a result of "Death, Disease or Divorce."  Guess you could add "Deploying" to that too.


I actually like that Gulf Racing themed one. Wide 5's and the EMPI Fuchs copies. The fiberglass cowl and raydot racing mirrors are kewl. Wasn't the Pegasus ESSO though?


There are occasional good buys if you react quick and don't think too much about it.  A 359 in TX was listed on SAMBA for $3500, then 2 weeks ago for $1500 and finally for $1200.  Owner was "D"eploying to Afghanistan. Ya have to like the 359 look though. I actually google directions - 12 hours one way for me.  Thank goodness it sold - I was looking for a road trip partner (and place to hide it from the wife). 

Last edited by WOLFGANG
Originally Posted by WOLFGANG - '13 CMC FWB, FL:

His goal was bottom line price for top knotch car.  His "3D" quest was to find one as a result of "Death, Disease or Divorce."  Guess you could add "Deploying" to that too.


With all honesty, and if I'm being unrealistic - then call me out. I'm a big boy. I'm asking for your input here. Am I being unrealistic thinking you should be able to buy a decent CMC/Fiberfab for under 12k?


The blue one isn't bad looking from the photos, but in person it's pretty rough. The paint is cracked pretty much everywhere you look. I mean *Everywhere*. It's not like a mosaic, but pretty much everywhere you look you can find a football sized patch of gel coat cracks. There are cracks clear through the body in a few places.  The trans is beat. The brakes are tired. The motor is wrung out. No bumpers. No top. No interior carpet. There are a few home grown bits on it which make you scratch your head a bit. I'd call it a drivable basket case. It was the nicest basket case I've gone to look at.  It's essentially a great candidate for a complete rebuild. Based on what I've learned I was comfortable offering 10k.  He's stead fast at 14,500 on it. 12,500 would have been extremely generous on my part and I made that offer today he balked and politely told me that he needs 14,500 minimum for what he has.


I've been looking every day since mid December. The trend I'm seeing is that everyone with a Vintage Speedster wants 28k or higher. Well sorted CMC owners seem to think that 20k is their starting point. Basket cases seem to start at 9 lately.


I think Terry is right, the California speedster market is a bit bias towards the seller - right now.


I'll keep looking (and complaining along the way). Feel free to throw things at me if I get too bothersome.


I will work on the patience issues,

Last edited by TRP
Originally Posted by Troy Sloan:

My experience with these tells me that we just had a price jump in the last few months.   If I'm right, finding decent used Speedsters, especially Vintage and JPS cars for under $20K is going to be tough from here on out.

I agree, although I think the market troughed for six months or so before that. It's not so much that the sellers are currently "crazy", as that the ones prior to now were desperate.


There will still be the occasional seller that underprices his car, but I think it'll be the exception rather than the rule for the foreseeable future.

What does that say for the CMC sellers?


I kind of feel like I missed my opportunity to purchase a respectable project CMC for under 15.


Maybe I bite the bullet and call the guy with the IM in Capitola and see if he will move at 13,500?


Ugh, I just hate to pay that much for such a needy car.





Last edited by TRP

Ted. Buy a TD replica for $3,500 and enjoy life. Those things still sell for what they're actually worth, rather than what the "market" thinks they ought to be worth. 


Everything you can do with a Speedster replica, you can do with a TD replica cheaper:


1. Drive crazy and pretend you're in 1956? check!

2. Cruise to shows, cars & coffee and get way more attention than the Ferrari California next to it? yup!

3. Make the young girls go crazy? indeed they do.

4. Get wet when it rains--no matter what? mais oui!

5. Customize the suspension by spending several thousands of dollars? uh huh.

6. Spend thousands more building a monster engine? as if you need to ask!

7. Agonize/obsess about obscure details no one else gives a rat's patootie about? this is why you are here!

8. Drop $500+ at Palo Alto Speedometer so your gauges actually work? if you desire it.

9. Get no respect from "purists?" all in the game, mac.

10. Throw it back in "purists'" faces when they tow their cars (be it by habit or necessity)? never! we're classier than that.

Originally Posted by edsnova - Baltimore - BCW 52 MG TD:

Ted. Buy a TD replica for $3,500 and enjoy life. Those things still sell for what they're actually worth, rather than what the "market" thinks they ought to be worth. 


Everything you can do with a Speedster replica, you can do with a TD replica cheaper:


1. Drive crazy and pretend you're in 1956? check!

2. Cruise to shows, cars & coffee and get way more attention than the Ferrari California next to it? yup!

3. Make the young girls go crazy? indeed they do.

4. Get wet when it rains--no matter what? mais oui!

5. Customize the suspension by spending several thousands of dollars? uh huh.

6. Spend thousands more building a monster engine? as if you need to ask!

7. Agonize/obsess about obscure details no one else gives a rat's patootie about? this is why you are here!

8. Drop $500+ at Palo Alto Speedometer so your gauges actually work? if you desire it.

9. Get no respect from "purists?" all in the game, mac.

10. Throw it back in "purists'" faces when they tow their cars (be it by habit or necessity)? never! we're classier than that.

Lol, This made me laugh,.  Thanks!


I think Troy and Stan are probably right about the market having bottomed out and probably bouncing back. I said in another thread that it seemed as though a year or two ago there were more cars at lower prices available and now that seems to have dried up a bit. 


Less cars, higher prices seem to rule the day. No specific evidence to sight, it just seems that we are seeing less for more.


I wonder if Vintage, JPS, Beck and IM are seeing a resurgence in new car orders?

Last edited by Panhandle Bob
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