I've used Marvel Mystery Oil over the years, especially if I was trying to un-sieze an engine that had been sitting for years, and it's a terrific penetrating oil, but I don't think I've ever heard of it being added to the gas tank as an additive (and for what purpose?) I vaguely remember them marketing it a long time ago as a "Top End Lubricant" but the only use I've seen for that was a squirt into each cylinder on boat engines or hay baler engines before they were stored for the season. Lately, even that has been supplanted by products like Evinrude "Fogger", an aerosol penetrating oil (probably Marvel in disguise) sprayed into the spark plug hole just before storage for the Winter. I've used that stuff a lot on boats, snow mobiles, etc., with good results (at least nothing ever siezed).
I also have no experience with "Top Lubers". Seen a few "Pre-Lubers" over the years, which were pressurized oil resivoirs used to bring up oil pressure just before starting the engine, but that's about it (and very few of those,too)
A decent modern oil, with proper amounts of phosphorus and zinc for adequate lubrication for your air cooled engine, will do lots more for your engine than Marvel ever will added to the gas, IMHO.
Post edit: OK, so I just checked out the Ampco web site. What a lot of BS! They make it sound like if you use unleaded gas, you'll wear your valves out by having them recess into the head enough to run your valve clearance to zero (?!?!?) and burn a valve. Haven't they ever heard of adjusting the valves? If you adjust your valves every 3,000 miles, that'll never happen!!
Unleaded gas will not adversely affect your post-1974 aircooled VW engine. Nor will Marvel Mystery Oil added to your gas, or an Ampco top cylinder lubricator, help it. It won't hurt it, but it won't help it either.