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Great idea Craig.  Max Zimmer is a great writer and car guy.  He usually shows up at Carlisle for a birthday party. Maybe ReinCARnation could have him do a free lance story.  I'm glad to see a written (and digital) magazine that caters to our nitche group. We need to actively support this new magazine or lose it again. So often "we" think it goes fast by the sound of the exhaust or the look of hood meatball.

This could be used as a big draw idea to go to Carlisle.  (Participants get a FREE egg samich and shot of Pepto). We do have our own Stig that we could use as a driver (that's the NASCAR G-force neck brace being applied by "DR" Lane with tech support from Henry Reisner of IM -




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Stig......That makes me wonder.....

I spotted at the Rolex 24 for Andy Lally, Spencer Pumpelly, Jorge Bergmeister and Wolf Henzler, all World Class GT/DP/F1 drivers.  I wonder if we could set this organized well and get one of them to do the testing.  Maybe the Beck Boys could bring a 6-cylinder 904 replica, just to make it interesting.  If not them, then Bruce LeDoux (Rolex GT level driver) owes me a few favors and he might be interested.  The trouble is, all Carlisle has is the Autocross track, no road course, and testing on those beautiful back roads around Carlisle might be inconclusive.  I could reach out to Spencer, though, to gauge any interest.  We might have to spring for a room and Saturday dinner or something.

Cory McCloskey posted:
Robert M posted:

A new challenge for Cory.

You need to get your Speedster into one of your segments and/or a shout out to the SOC on live t.v. then post it to the website. 

Some sweet day, Robert!  I'm always on the lookout for the opportunity!  I'll surprise you...

Cory, if you DO want to see your car on TV, try some of the local advertisers to see if they would use it in a local add.  I bought mine from a guy in Kissimmee, FL who bought it just to rent it to an advertiser, then re-sold it to me.  OOOHHH, here's a better idea, if you are still doing the weather for local station, do a promo showing you driving and broadcasting that the "weather is fine on route ??".  

A "DISASTER! &@#%£!!" interim update...

I'll receive back from Competition Engineering the squeaky-clean, perfectly-balanced parts to my 2110 by Tuesday!  I'm SO psyched to feel the ride once it's installed, as the motor wasn't balanced when it was built.

Re-assembly and installation, however will be accomplished after Paul's return from a well-deserved vacation.

So grateful, meanwhile, for the use of @PaulEllis's loaner 1600! It pushes me along like a champ!

The belt on the 1600 had become a bit loose, so Paul said he'd swing by my place to shuffle some shims around.  During that operation, it was discovered that the center hole in (my) cheap, thin, Chinese pulley had begun to round itself out pretty badly.  Well, guess who had a nice, German replacement -- yeah, you know his name... LOL

Discovered, also, that some ill-fitting tin had not only been causing a bit of a rattle, but might have prevented the alternator from sitting exactly level, perhaps causing the rounding out of the pulley hole.  Paul pulled the shroud, disciplined it with some bending, and made it fit nicely.

Of course, while he's under there, why not adjust the valves?  So he did.  Fascinating to watch and learn.  I can't believe how slim the tolerances are... Great to watch practiced hands move around with such confidence.  Some of it's bound to rub off eventually... LOL

So, Paul's generosity comes through again, and things were wrapped up in time for me to take a sunset shakedown cruise last evening.  Just perfect. Gosh, I can't stay out of this car. I want to drive it ALL the time! Now that the weather has finally begun to turn toward the cooler here, I'm ready for seven months of perfect driving days!

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Those scenic shots are certainly making me wistful for the Southwest.  We usually like to be near the oceans but I could certainly live out there without feeling lost.

We really roughed it on our last trip there - Stayed at the Princess Resort in Scottsdale...     Of course, that was back in my "Expense Account" days - 1999 or so...

After the conference was over we did a day trip as far as Sedona.  90mph in a rented Grand Am up I-17...  It's interesting how the Mesas go up in steps along the highway.  Every 30 minutes or so you hit another step.

Oh!  and welcome to the "Shared DNA" club.  We give these cars blood and sweat, they give us hydrocarbons and dirt (and a lot of enjoyment).  

Seems like a good swap.

Last edited by Gordon Nichols
El Frazoo posted:

Can't wait to start seeing some of those shiny "new" parts getting their coat of build oil put on, and all bolted up proper.  Oh yeah!!!  Guess we'll all just have to let Cory entertain us with his gorgeous photos and other hyperbole while we wait for the maestro to return to the shop.

Frazoo -- I can't tell you how much I needed that laugh just now.

"...and other hyperbole..."  LOLOL


One day this week, I'll swing by Competition Engineering and snap a few pics of those beautiful parts-in-waiting.

Cory, So where in AZ, exactly?  Phoenix area??  Thinking of a trip near there, possibly next spring.  Would definitely arrange the itin'y to swing by for an up-close and personal.  I have spent a fair amount of time in Tucson on business trips in the past.  Methinks all will be done and smokin' by May, right??  Well, not ACTUALLY smoking, but clearly able to smoke a tire or two if desired.

El Frazoo posted:

Cory, So where in AZ, exactly?  Phoenix area??  Thinking of a trip near there, possibly next spring.  Would definitely arrange the itin'y to swing by for an up-close and personal.  I have spent a fair amount of time in Tucson on business trips in the past.  Methinks all will be done and smokin' by May, right??  Well, not ACTUALLY smoking, but clearly able to smoke a tire or two if desired.

Come on over!

Early May is definitely better than LATE May! Would love to meet up -- lunch is on me!

My Speedster is at Wedge Vee Dub here in Phoenix.  It  was off-loaded just before closing time, so I will learn something tomorrow (Friday).

 I was on the freeway doing about 60 when she just lost power. The accelerator seemed to be  suddenly nonfunctional. Honestly, the traffic was so noisy that I couldn't tell if the  motor had died or not!

 I was coming up to an exit, so I quickly devised my escape plan.  The basics of my plan included a turn signal, a wild waving of my non-steering arm, and knifing across three lanes of traffic, as if to say, "You guys have brakes, and I don't have a throttle. Get out of my way."

 I checked the  accelerator cable, and it was sound.  A call to Wedge brought a long-distance diagnosis of perhaps a points problem, but no promises. 

 Thankfully, though, while digging around under the deck lid, I discovered a hose disconnected from the breather box. (Pictured)  not the cause of my problem, but I'm glad the deceleration trouble brought the breather box to my attention. 

 I'll post the diagnosis as soon as I get it! 




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Out of gas, fuel pump, coil wire fell off or other ign. issue. ( assume you heard no backfire?)

 I recommend that you locate someone that will go completely through the car i.e. every nut, bolt, clamp electrical etc.... you watch and ask question so you don't get overly frustrated with these past and present issues.


Last edited by Alan Merklin

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