A "DISASTER! &@#%£!!" interim update...
I'll receive back from Competition Engineering the squeaky-clean, perfectly-balanced parts to my 2110 by Tuesday! I'm SO psyched to feel the ride once it's installed, as the motor wasn't balanced when it was built.
Re-assembly and installation, however will be accomplished after Paul's return from a well-deserved vacation.
So grateful, meanwhile, for the use of @PaulEllis's loaner 1600! It pushes me along like a champ!
The belt on the 1600 had become a bit loose, so Paul said he'd swing by my place to shuffle some shims around. During that operation, it was discovered that the center hole in (my) cheap, thin, Chinese pulley had begun to round itself out pretty badly. Well, guess who had a nice, German replacement -- yeah, you know his name... LOL
Discovered, also, that some ill-fitting tin had not only been causing a bit of a rattle, but might have prevented the alternator from sitting exactly level, perhaps causing the rounding out of the pulley hole. Paul pulled the shroud, disciplined it with some bending, and made it fit nicely.
Of course, while he's under there, why not adjust the valves? So he did. Fascinating to watch and learn. I can't believe how slim the tolerances are... Great to watch practiced hands move around with such confidence. Some of it's bound to rub off eventually... LOL
So, Paul's generosity comes through again, and things were wrapped up in time for me to take a sunset shakedown cruise last evening. Just perfect. Gosh, I can't stay out of this car. I want to drive it ALL the time! Now that the weather has finally begun to turn toward the cooler here, I'm ready for seven months of perfect driving days!