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Bob: IM S6 posted:

"PS- And Gordon, I hear you; 35 or 40'F and raining on and off for the last who the h*ll knows how long, and Friday or so we're supposed to get snow..."

Al:  Why do you think there are so many pubs in the British Isles?   Just hunker down and have a pint or two. 

I did go over to a neighbor's last night to watch a movie and we did have 2...

And Gordon, that is really funny!  Yeah, it does rain here a lot, but when the sun comes out it is a wonderful place to live.

PS- I've heard of it happening, but don't actually know anyone that unfortunate

Last edited by ALB

To add to my post above- when I got into the car to drive my first born to work (just started full time end of September and saving for a car) it was just light (and foggy), but coming back the sun is out, there's snow on the local mountains, and it's another beautiful day in paradise!

It's supposed to maybe snow in town on the weekend. There are a lot of new Canadians living in Vancouver that shouldn't be allowed in a car when there's snow on the roads... 

Gordon Nichols posted:

Hey, Cory........   About that "Gorgeous Arizona Driving Weather":


Friggin rain storm of the century hitting the East Coast - But you "Wheddah Guys" already know that, right?  Are you the "Harvey Leonard" of Phoenix?  We pronounce him "Hahvee Lenahd" up heah. - We wouldn't even attempt pronouncing Cory McCloskey.  What part of Ireland is that from?          

Looks like Massachusetts is in recovery mode now, G... 

Ol' Harvey Leonard has been at it for quite a while in Beantown, hasn't he? Everybody loves him!  I'll take the comparison anytime...

By the way, we McCloskeys hail from County Antrim -- we're Belfasters!


HAR: One guy doing all the actual work while four other guys stand around drinking beer, trying to distract him. That's it exactly. Except when it's two guys taking turns doing work and razzing the other guy.

Small anecdote: Last Saturday a co-worker brought his 1986 Mercedes 300 diesel to my garage to see about replacing the glow plugs. You have to pull the intake to get to them, and he was not confident of doing this in the street in front of his apartment.

So he comes over and sets up behind Bridget (and I apologize for all the fiberglass dust), and we proceed to spend the next 10 hours taking turns swearing at this car and contorting ourselves, trying to get at the 12 allen-head bolts that hold the intake manifold on it, trying to make a credible glow plug port reamer, trying to find a good angle to replace the glow plugs, etc., amid two trips—one to Harbor Freight for more/different allens and some wobble sockets, and one back to his house for the forgotten gasket, which turned out to be the exhaust gasket anyway and so no good to us.

We get her all buttoned-up about 8 p.m. and the s.o.b. won't start. Turns out we blew the 80 amp fuse that lives in its own box away from all the other fuses—a thing we were able to discover rather quickly because of Google and YouTube; without them the car would certainly still be in my front bay. Back out to the parts store. No correct 80-ampers but one I can modify to work, which I do, and which blows immediately upon installation.

It's 10 p.m. now and I got out the beers while he called his girlfriend to come pick him up. We're 12 hours into a two-hour job and the car is dead. Miller time!

Anyway I fixed it the next morning in a half hour while my friend was out rustling-up the correct fuse: one of us—probably him—had cranked the wire on one of the glow plugs such that it shorted to the head, something that was well-nigh invisible once the manifold was wrestled back into place on top of it. 

It's just the sort of thing that I would have been attuned to, and avoided, if I had been working on the car alone without distraction.

OK that was a long anecdote...


Last edited by edsnova

Cory, so glad for you, my friend! I had the same feeling a couple months ago when, after a year of building my engine, it fired...bliss!

a warning though, you should run the engine at 2,000 (or so) rpms for about 20 minutes to set/wear-in the lifters and cam before you just start driving the car. It's a very important part of the break-in procedure. (if you have solid lifters)


Last edited by Will Hesch


That means more to me than you know. Cory has been a lot of fun. Yesterday my wife and I took the speedster across town to Scottsdale. It was a little cloudy and chilly but my wife said she was up for it. Just before arriving at our destination, I get a text from Cory with pictures of us in the speedster taken minutes ago buy a news guy Cory works with. He saw us in traffic and took a hand full of pictures knowing Cory had a speedster too. It's a small world. I told Cory that I hoped my wife didn't see these pics because it was my girlfriend in the car with me. I'm not sure if he believed me or not, but he reassured me that he wouldn't get me into trouble.

image Fellas, I can't tell you what a pleasure this "disaster" has been!

To make a good friend is a wonderful thing, and of course, none of us ever seems to make enough of them.

Paul would never seek them, but he surely deserves the very kind things you've been saying about him.  Though I've been about as useful as a third nipple, Paul has endeavored to educate me in every step along the way.  His patience is boundless, and his knowledge is both deep and wide. 

 I'm looking forward very much to getting out on the road with him, and to making people doubly-happy as they see two of the world's most beautiful automobile silhouettes pass them by… 

 And thanks to all of you who have laughed and helped and cheered along the way! Gosh, I appreciate this group so much! Car guys are good guys, and you guys prove it… 

 I must get to bed… I would have posted this earlier, but I'm in the midst of playing Ebenezer Scrooge in a production of A Christmas Carol, and it was a two-show day. 

 Good night, all! In spite of this face, you've all helped to make it a very merry Christmas here in Phoenix! 


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