I'll handle Frazoo, Longfella, The Doctor, and all who (rightly) desire pictures, all in one post…
How I wish I could convey to Arizona all interested parties! We could arrange Paul's shop like one of those 19th century surgery theaters, where the surrounding bleachers are full of the faithful, who are watching six doctors drive their unwashed arms up to the elbows into some barely-sedated patient's thorax. Lots of head-nodding, and the occasional disagreement; perhaps even a pan v. tube frame donnybrook!
----- TIMELINE. -----
FRIDAY MORNING: Paul and his trailer retrieve from Wedge Vee Dub Cory's silver girl and her innards, and transport same to Paul's Beetle Enhancement Lair on his Phoenix property. Cory's Speedster and engine are offloaded to allow for immediate loading of Paul's son's Beetle dragster. Paul & son then haul to Fontana, CA, two trailers loaded with two drag Bugs to see old friends, eat carnival food, and waste gas on the strip at Bug-o-Rama '16.
SATURDAY: Cory, suffering from severe symptoms of withdrawl, attempts to visit his Speedster, but is quickly driven from the property by Paul's two substantial dogs. He decides that he can wait 'til Monday.
SUNDAY: Paul & son return, victorious, from Cali.
MONDAY/TUESDAY: Paul and Cory start gettin' after it, with many photos and videos.
WEDNESDAY: Cory, his wife, and their three daughters fly east to attend a nephew's wedding in Rochester, NY.
SUNDAY: Cory returns to AZ, itching to get back at it.
MONDAY: Cory, still off from work, can finally be of some help...
Paul may improve this schedule as he sees fit.