Yeah, I went for YEARS with mine jury-rig-wired just to get a horn to work, but I had a loop of wire at the bottom of the steering shaft , across the rag-coupler and looped around the shaft to allow steering wheel movement and it fatigued and frayed every year, all because I had a defective top-column bearing and didn't know how the column really worked (but at least I had something that worked, PITA that it was).
Finally, I got around to making it all right this past Spring and then it was, like, WTF? THAT is how this is supposed to work? Who the heck thought THAT up??
It took a bit of fabricating (because I originally installed everything like it was an American car - that was a mistake because I didn't understand it) but I finally got everything right and now it's "just like factory".....whatever THAT means.
Maybe I won't be under there this coming Spring repairing it again.......