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Ok, results are:

Joe Soltis is a metal welding genius....the repair is as strong as OR stronger than the stock trans forks. I watched this guy perform his magic for the better part of 8 hours....he is incredible. I watched as he showed me what he was going to do and it was amazing, it was a practical and innovative repair, alot like TC was talking about. Anyway, photos tell the story. This guy is meticulous beyond belief..and he could weld with a battery and a set of jumper cables and make it look like it was done with a $5000 TIG outfit!

Now since we pulled the trans and everything, I may get a different trans,a welded brace, and a set of kafer bars.



Images (3)
  • DSCN0573
  • DSCN0571
  • DSCN0577
I looked at it this way, I was going to be in mike's neighborhood so I offered some help. Mike's hospitality was excellent. I had a great time! Mike showed me his VW parts resource that was out in the middle of nowhere. It was very tempting to buy an old VW Beetle for the next extreme project. Maybe next trip down to Houston!
Joe you are a craftsman and the milk of human kindness flows by the quart in your veins!! Thank you for helping mike out - he seems like a very nice fellow!

If you are ever out west here give a shout - our case es su casa. People like you are what this site is all about - helping eachother out and cheering eachother on. angela
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