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@Wrenn Smith posted:

Stan, how's this for ridiculous enough.. I had a friend with one of these for his tow vehicle take another friend of mine for a few "hot-laps" around Rockingham Motor Speedway (with the infield road course) during the instructor ride-along during a drivers school.   And yes, given enough loud pedal application, even these yachts can "drift"

My family have the size between that and a standard sedan to tow their airstream for a while. Pretty nice car, for a Land Yacht. The fold down footrests in back were nice.

For a time, my uncle leased land to Gaudin Ford in Las Vegas. They got it in trade when a funeral home went from Caddy’s to Continentals. Part of the deal was he got a car every year and he snapped up two of them.

Last edited by dlearl476
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