Ive talked to raby,seen his stuff, I know guys that swear by him.Ive seen his stuff work great and seen his stuff come back out & go back to him then the ensuing bs started flying, And motor sent back saying nothing was rong, well it had issues, and the manufacture of the parts in question(not the main manf but the oned with thier name on the product) herd about the issues on another fourm and steped up & said hey we had an issue with those parts were they our parts??Well the owner didnt know so the AFU parts were sent out to them and he sent back new parts, they were in fact thier parts That had the issues.And raby blamed the owner for the issues that were not there, (but realy were there.) He has since moved on to biger & better projects(and better $$$ in them too) he like berg isant the god to vw's. Nor were they stupid. But for the most part you can go by his method or most any other for the parts you have in your vw engine. there is no majic, it's just s slightly over sized lawnmower engine for the most part.
if you have the cam card for your motor if may say .006" or .004 or whatever.but aluminum pushrods set from .004" ~ .006" looser than chromoly or steel pushrods.
And who built it has little to nothing to do with it.
how you maintain it & listen to it does.
And the owner with the raby motorwith the AFU stuff in it got it all back togeather him self, and is happyer than a pig in sand with the motor.( pigs seem to prefer nice clean sand over slopmud) Raby did not make the parts, but raby did build the motor, then say there is nothing rong with it, well he just didnt know what to look for as far as the defective parts were made rong.was that the only issue the motor had?? I dont have a clue I wasent there when it was re run or tore down if it was tore down. raby is usualy right up front whith his findings and tells it like it is.He just missed on this motor, why he started flayming this guy I dont know other than I think he was tired of the vw ****.(vw type 1,and the cheepassed owners, Witch I totaly can see and agree with.)
I probably would of missed it too.Infact I had another motor hear with the same defective parts, and if there had not been an issue with them and the catastrophic carnage that ensued ,I might not of seen it either and just changed them out .I now know what to look for with those parts.It pays to pay attn to everything you can, and remember it too. As far as grammer, she is still dead in cali, but I think of her offten. No this isant a raby bash, I realy do respect him & his Co.