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I am leaving Hagerty, but not by choice...I have had them for many years, and although I never filed a claim, I liked their involvement in the collector car industry, I did however use their towing from time to time....
I am leaving because my lawyer told me I needed an umbrella policy for all my shit (assets) which basically means i need to put everything under one roof....I chose AAA (auto club) because they were reasonable for rates vs coverage, they accept the speedster but not as a collectable, it is a custom car, but there is no limit on my mileage and the rate was still better than Hagerty, based on agreed value....

It' probably an issue of who you talk to at the company.

I had been with Gieco for years....they would not insure the speedster in any way. But, they will insure Tom's speedster.
My Wife was with State Farm for a long time....their answer....No Way.
But they insured Norm's car.

So we went to Progressive, within a week Gieco was calling wanting us back. Go figure.

Wasn't worried about the drive to work issue as we work less than 50 yards from home. But milage limits just wont cut it. We got the car in Febuary and have a little over 9000 on it now and will have over 12000 by the time we get back from Christmas in Florida.

I've never had a good experience with haggerty on the phone and have heard of problems getting them to pay out so have never bought from them. Also (valid or not) I would rather have all my vehicles (3) on the same policy.
More info, man this is getting confusing.
Grundy is currently (as of today) underwritten by Chartis, a division of AIG. They have questionable financial backing and it makes me just a little nervous. They also required that I re-insure ALL of my vehicles through them.

I read the reviews on-line for Modern American, 80% are VERY negative on them with regards to handling claims. UGH. The quote for 6,000 miles and agreed value of $22,000, with occasional commute endorsement was only $250. Too good to be true must apply me thinks???

Hagerty seems too restrictive for what I want. My broker claims there is no restriction to commute, but I have not seen anything in writing.

CondonSkelley was very restrictive as well, but at least made it clear to me.

Guess I have more dialing to do today. BTW I caught a virus on my laptop yesterday when I hit grundyworldwide dot com yesterday. I initially went to just grundy dot com but their rep sent me to the workdwide site. I recommend you avoid that site like the plague.

Interesting tidbit, I just got off the phone with AAA (CSAA in California). They do insure agreed value cars, and the policy is underwritten by..........American Modern! They call them their "Partner". I feel more comfortable bundling it all under AAA though, and feel as though they have some skin in the game if American Modern tried to do anything stupid. My local AAA agent is going to make a few calls and get me a quote.

I'm a newbie here, but will probably be getting a Speedster in a few months. Part of my research has included looking into insurance. I've contacted AAA's - the company that insures our other cars - and got pretty much the same story that Steve W and Vinny did.

It took the agent a few minutes to figure out what a replica Speedster is (I gave a brief explanation and referred them to the Vintage Speedster website), but he came back saying they would insure it as a 'kit car'. They understand that this is a turnkey car, built by VS.

There are no mileage or usage restrictions at all. As with any other car, I can choose to have collision and comprehensive coverage or just liability.

Before I could raise the question of agreed upon value, they brought it up. They said that while the car might be registered as a '70s VW, they would use the purchase price as the car's value. They quoted a price comparable to our other cars - two Toyotas and a MINI Cooper.

Altogether, they seemed to be treating this as a pretty routine transaction. They gave no indication that another underwriter would be involved.

Being something of a sceptic about insurance companies, this was the second time I called them about insuring a Speedster - to see if I'd get the same story from two different agents (big company - you never get the same person twice). Same story both times.

Sacto, hit me up by e-mail if you like with your phone number. I finallized my policy today with AAA. It sounds like they are going to insure you as a VW, and with no agreed value you will get <1000 if you get totalled. It may be a standard AAA policy and not a collector car policy. It absolutely has to have an agreed value whether or not it is a kit, VW or whatever or you are subject to what they tell you it WAS worth. My policy should show Kit Car designation when I get the final paperwork in the mail, but at AAA they had to choose 1970 speedster if I remember correctly based on the on-line system choices. She had the American Modern guy on the phone right in front of me. They absolutely have mileage limits if underwritten by American Modern. I took the 6,000 mile policy. I now have all paperwork to document what we have done. I will get written documentation agreeing to me being allowed 2 commute days poer week. I paid for it by credit card, and kept my e-mail correspondence with the agent at AAA. If the F me, I'll press it with Visa and then backtrack to find a new vendor. Most of the other vendors were just too restrictive for me. I'm going to drive it 5,999 miles or more in the next 12 months! If you want to come to Livermore some day (1/2 way) we can take a rip through th hils in my car so you can decide on taking the plunge. BTW my rate is super low, and didn;t go up with increases in coverage, but they will not exceed coverages on your daily drivers. Have them check rates at several coverage points before you decide. I may raise my daily driver coverage as it is overdue, and it will be a free increase thru American Modern.
Steve, it sounds like we've had different experiences with CSAA.

They made it clear - in fact, they brought it up before I could - that how they valued the car (and what they would pay out if the car were totalled) was based on my purchase price - and NOT the book value of a '70s VW.

Since I haven't bought a car yet, we had to use hypothetical numbers. I gave them a price of $25K (assuming a low mileage, used VS). They then prepared a quote based on a car valued at $25K.

As with our other cars, they asked how much we expected to drive the car per year, but they didn't indicate there were any limits. The premium does go up somewhat as your annual mileage rises.

I will call back and press them further about whether a third party underwriter is involved, but they made no mention of that.

Thanks for the heads up. I'll let you know what I find out.

Farmers out here in California will be the new provider for all my vehicles, as they were willing to insure my brand new VS with a $25K replacement cost and no driving limitations for just under $1000 per year, and that is not with a stellar driving record I am not proud to report. Your premium may very well be better. If you want my guy's name send me an email. Steve
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