Hey, guys!
I found a little base-run computer lab, and had to check in on you folks for a few minutes. I saw that I missed 1,700 messages while I was away, but I'm obviously not going to have time to read all that. Someone should hit the high points for me. ;)
Teresa's right. These have been some really, really long days. This getting up at four in the morning is crap. Really; that hour is unfit for man and beast, but it's the only way to cram all this stuff into a workday. I'm beat.
The training these Army drill sergeants are giving us is rock-solid, though, and morale is really high. The temperatures here have been in the low -- really low -- teens in the morning and evening hours, but this gear G.I. Joe's been issued for the last few years is fantastic. I'm out in that weather for about 12 hours a day, and apart from chilly fingers and toes I've been fine.
We've done some shooting, some cleaning, some more shooting, rolled over in a HUMMVEE (High Mobility Multi-wheeled Vehicle) simulator that literally had us suspended in our seatbelts like chickens on a rotisserie and a whole load of other stuff. We've been here a week, and we've covered two months' worth of material. Radios, encryption, medivac calls and smoke, lots of cold chow (I've had two hot meals in the last four days) and so on. I have to say, it's really good training.
This course is an encapsulation of six months' training that soldiers get at the Army's infantry courses. It's a blur, but most of the guys I'm with have not deployed with the Army before.