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Another one surfaces still in the shipping crate or did PO get further along.  The build manuals are here for donating members if yours got lost.  As the glossy ads back in 1990 said - 40 hours and you lowly Beetle is transformed into a Speedster. All will say its more like 400 hours+.


Post some photos.


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Last edited by WOLFGANG

kwshag - here's a couple of pics of Doug's car. BTW - his car is highly modified. They are great folks, just a few weeks ago he and his wife drove from Scottsdale to join our annual West Coast Cruise in San Luis Obispo, CA. Hope you can join us some day. 








Here's a pic of Ted 'TRP' Pierson's car after his refurbish project. Another very cool car!





Images (3)
  • IMG_0014
  • IMG_0057
  • IMG_2811
Last edited by MusbJim
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