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I know, I know......"What World Cup"?


Believe me, I used to be outside of the US on business a lot before 2000 and the World Cup is HUGE.  Way, way, WAY bigger than the "Super Bowl".  I was in Jesus de Otoro, Honduras, in the late '60's when the World Cup was on.  There was no electricity in town back then.  All they had in the village for people to watch on was a  beat-up, 12 volt, 14" TV, powered by a succession of kids on a bicycle/alternator setup.  As long as a kid was peddling, we had a picture (although sometimes someone had to hold the antenna and wave their arms around until the signal/sound got better, then they would have to stand in place to hold the signal).   


The time I was there, Honduras was already considered out of the running, so everyone was cheering for Guatemala - the border was only a couple of hours away - swigging Cheecha (a wickedly potent, fermented drink made from peaches), yelling at the TV and having a great time.  They didn't speak much Spanish out in the aldeas (boondocks).  Their local language is "keshua" (I spelled that phonetically for you) which was the lower-middle level Inca language, still prevelent in Central and South America.  It sounds a LOT like Swahili with a lot of clicks and pops.  None of that mattered, though.  All that mattered was that Guatemala was beating the Ivory Coast in their mid-round.  I expected to be in the village for an hour or two - ended up staying the night after the game.  After all that Cheecha I never would have found my way home, four hours away, anyway.  Given how they make the stuff, I'm lucky I'm not permanently blind.  The headache on the way home the next day was Life-force-taking


Anyway, I just started watching the USA vs. Ghana in my nice, comfy, family room on my high def TV and drinking a wine.....sure wish I had a beer from Cerveseria Imperial in Honduras, about now.  Even better would be some Cheecha!!   Just a little better here, than in Jesus De Otoro.    We got our first goal in the first 30 seconds - Whammo!  


HOLY CARP!!!  Talk about a punch in Ghana's face!  


And I love the US's Beckerman with his unruly Dredlocks.  In fact, the USA teams always look to be the most internationally diverse of any other nation (Well, maybe excepting England).  


OK, so all of the talking heads say that USA doesn't have a chance in this World Cup.  They also said that about our Olympic hockey team in 1980, when we beat everyone, including Russia in the final, remember that?




Like every other World Cup, this one will be a thrill ride!  WATCH IT!!!!!!!



Last edited by Gordon Nichols
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The rest of the world plays and watches their football because you can cobble up a game with anything closely resembling a ball - that's all you need.  Not a lot of equipment, not a lot of preparation, just a little talent and a desire to play. 


Watching world football is everyone's chance to live a bigger life through their chosen teams and, TOTALLY unlike American sports, there are NO COMMERCIALS during the entire game!  (personally, I love that part.)


Not yet sold on the quality of the referee staff on this game, though.......

Yeah I love football (season ticket holder in the college world -but refuse to be in the pros -rather save the money, avoid the idiots, and load the woodstove, cooler, and crock pot and relax) but American football can't compare. Two different kinds of athletes.


Gordon is right. Soccer is special. I'd love to see it in Europe one day. My son was crazy for it after Green Street Hooligans. Love to check out a match then hit a pub. How FREAKIN cool would that be? Bla bla bla

I think that the US will win it one day..............when they decide that they want it bad enough and throw obscene amounts of money at it, or open up the borders to football players. 


Not this year though and not anytime soon. 


I reserve my judgement of NFL. I would love to see some of those blokes run 45 minutes a side in rugby with no padding though. 



OK, all you nay-sayers who didn't think that the USA team had a chance.....


After today we move ahead farther than we ever have in previous World Cup competitions.


That USA/Portugal game was priceless, even with that last seconds Portugal goal to tie it up.


And Gary - I know what you mean about seeing NFL players running straight-out for 90 minutes.  They're great for short bursts but a Soccer game would toast them.


And what the hell is up with that stupid Uruguayan player biting the Italian guy?  WTF?!?!?!?!?! And FIFA only punished him for a relatively short time (plus a $130K fine).  The guy should have been banned, period, the sicko.  


Got to watch part of todays game with Germany on a mini-TRON...... a 140 inch screen at an Irish Pub in South Boston!!!


To all you Nay-Sayers about USA's chances, we all say:  




"I believe that we will win"  USA---USA---USA!!!


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  • Bill_the_Cat
Last edited by Gordon Nichols

The comparison of NFL football to Euro/World Soccer, is not an apples to apples comparison.  The NFL is a "short 25 second sprint" spread out, multiple times, over 60 minutes with commercial breaks.  Euro Soccer is a 90 minute marathon.  For example, what use would Dominic Su  be: to play/have in Euro Soccer? He could eliminate 2 or 3 players and then he is done, either by card or exhaustion?


I am sorry I much rather watch, past tense, Joe Montana throwing passes to Jerry Rice.


To each his own.


Go Niners

Originally Posted by art:

The comparison of NFL football to Euro/World Soccer, is not an apples to apples comparison.  The NFL is a "short 25 second sprint" spread out, multiple times, over 60 minutes with commercial breaks.  Euro Soccer is a 90 minute marathon.  For example, what use would Dominic Su  be: to play/have in Euro Soccer? He could eliminate 2 or 3 players and then he is done, either by card or exhaustion?


I am sorry I much rather watch, past tense, Joe Montana throwing passes to Jerry Rice.


To each his own.


Go Niners

I'm comparing NFL to Rugby. Not soccer. its waaaaaaaaaay closer than soccer and egg ball, I mean NFL.


Kudos to the USA for getting as far as they have. 1 down to zee Germans is not to be sniffed at.

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