So I'm ready to upholster the seats, I get my handy CMC build manual out and it says to cut 1" wide strips of 1/4" plywood for the inside bottom and back. The seat centers are 9 1/2" apart perfect it all fits kind of. The backs are 11" centers that is where the problem starts! My backs are quite curved not really as flat as the manual depicts, but of course nothing is as the manual depicts exactly. To get 11" centers I have to move them out to where they are in the transition curve towards the outer sides so looking straight at them you see a lot of the edge instead of the face if that makes sense. So if I put a straight edge between them there is about 2 1/2" to the back (See pics).
So my question is:
1) it hat correct? or do I have the wrong seats?
2) Does anyone have a template for cutting the ovals on the backs my seats were not scribed.
Any help, suggestions, guidance is appreciated.
Thanks - Jim