Since I've been lurking and posting on the site for over a year now I don't consider myself a "Newbie" anymore.
With that said....
I have noticed some posts lately from some new members.
First let me say welcome!
Second, I suggest that before you post a question you should use the search feature to see if we had discussed the same thing in the past. By doing this it will either answer your question or create a whole new batch. This way some of us "old timers" can get into the nitty-gritty of your problem without having to answer basic questions that probably have already been answered, probably by George (Oops, was that sniping? LOL)
In no way am I trying to discourage anyone from posting, I'm just think the whole process would work better if step one for a "Newbie" was a search.
If the rest of you "Old timers" think I'm out of line just ask me to shut my pie hole and I will. :)
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