So, while it’s rainy here I’ve been tinkering and making a partial scissor frame for my hood. Mainly I just wanted it to fold up better than having that huge tongue of canvas flopping around when it’s stowed. And, while doing that, the hood has been on and off a few times. And it occurred to me that it wouldn’t be desperately hard to have it attach inside of the body rather than on the tonneau studs, like on a real speedster. Looks like it would need fixing inside the tub - probably just snap fasteners. That would entail reversing the existing snaps on the hood canvas. Then, to fill/bridge the gap between the hood and the tub, a flap of additional hood material sewn below the window - here’s an original as an illustration. But before I think too deeply, has anyone else done this and are there any pitfalls? I can maybe see the profile altering slightly, and perhaps the slightly altered length would mean a small trim to the canvas?
it could be an interesting winter project...