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So what kind of automotive presents did you get this Christmas?

Book, "The Cobra in the Barn" about 50 short stories of real finds, from Duesenbergs to Corvette Gran sports to '51 Mercury customs.

Book, "Shelby, The man, The cars, The legend"

Wife's blessing to proceed with funding for my new front suspension!
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So what kind of automotive presents did you get this Christmas?

Book, "The Cobra in the Barn" about 50 short stories of real finds, from Duesenbergs to Corvette Gran sports to '51 Mercury customs.

Book, "Shelby, The man, The cars, The legend"

Wife's blessing to proceed with funding for my new front suspension!
Happy to report I got an oil painting of a fisherman for Christmas.
And some chocolate. And a pipe stand ...
Car stuff? Nada. Zilch. Zero. The Big Goose Egg.
Teresa got a vintage canvas flying helmet from her Dad, though ... Yaaaaaay!

Remember the "What type of hat does your right-seater wear" thread from last year?
The only things I got to OPEN on christmas, was the German D and bumper bracket (it was mounted 25 minutes later too) and a torque wrench.

The calendar came today... a little late, but it is here.

I also got a 356 workshop manual. But my wife doesn't understand that I don't have a real 356... but I am keeping it, cuz it is a cool read... that was late too, it came today as well.
I don't need Viagra. but thanks for thinking of me Alan.

But the bigger mail box is just like anything else. Bigger is sometimes better. I have started a scaled up drawing of your Mail box topper and I think I will make the bigger one out of 1/4 inch plate, something vandle proof. I like the topper you sent me and I will be up for sell when I replace it I just hope it does not get stoned and distroyed before I swap it because its only 16 gauge sheet metal . which to me is insuficent for wher it is going to be.

I tould you we have vandles down here, and the Law is slack in my county

No joking no puns. Im sorry If I seem displeased i just have higher standards
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