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Was in California for the last two weeks. I put 1500 plus miles on my speedster in about a week. San Diego to San Francisco and back down along the the Pacific Coast Highway. The trip was not without it's hiccups. All in all the little car really held its own, and got plenty of attention.
I want to thank everyone that has helped for me to get to this point. Also, really appreciate all of the road trip advice. The following are some pictures taken with my phone along the way.
The car is back in San Diego with a punch list under it's windshield. I am hoping to be back in it before the end of the month.

Thank you again,


I have some great video and plenty more pictures. The plan is to create a sort of web page diary to share with all those interested. More to come...
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Was in California for the last two weeks. I put 1500 plus miles on my speedster in about a week. San Diego to San Francisco and back down along the the Pacific Coast Highway. The trip was not without it's hiccups. All in all the little car really held its own, and got plenty of attention.
I want to thank everyone that has helped for me to get to this point. Also, really appreciate all of the road trip advice. The following are some pictures taken with my phone along the way.
The car is back in San Diego with a punch list under it's windshield. I am hoping to be back in it before the end of the month.

Thank you again,


I have some great video and plenty more pictures. The plan is to create a sort of web page diary to share with all those interested. More to come...


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  • PCH South of Carmel
  • speedster at Pismo Beach
  • road ready
Mickey, don't threaten me with a good time! I have not gotten a chance to see much of the north east since moving here. I now have the perfect tool for the job. Lane, When is the run this year? I will be at Road Atlanta for the petite Le mans the weekend of Oct. 5th. Jim, You live in the perfect place for these cars. I worked out of our San Diego Office at the beginning of the week while waiting for the car to be completed, then at the end before heading home. I left just in time, I was beginning to get used to life in So Cal. Top only went up once, and then for only about 10 minutes. I was about to pass out from being beat in the head by the canvas at 70 mph.

Paul - The run is Saturday, Oct. 11. Most folks will arrive on Friday (or earlier) and leave on Sunday. I'm making a week of it to visit friends and family in the area, and may make a run over to SAS in Knoxville to see their operation. You could drive down in the Speedster for the LeMans, leave your car at Aaron White's B&B in Lake Lure (near Asheville), fly home for the work week, and then return to get you car and do the run the following weekend. Or you could spend the whole week in the area and enjoy the incredible scenery.
I will have the car at the new Thunderbolt Racetrack in New Jersey for a Deleware Porsche Club sponsored driver education event That weekend. I received my helmet in the mail yesterday. Maybe it is better I have the new car out on the racetrack prior to driving the tail anyway. Mickey, isnt that track up in your part of the world?
I think you have captured the essence of Speedster cruising. Top down, wind in the face and open to the elements. It opens the senses in a way that most 21st century autos can't. Normally we are cocooned by our transportation, driving like that is getting rare.

Every time I jump in my car it takes me back to a more primitive automotive era.

Great job, and Thanks for sharing



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  • 7-12-08 SOC run Will and I heading home sm
OK Paul, first of all, I don't know you (yet) and so I'm gonna cut you a little slack here, but I have to say we're not getting off to a very good start.
You've stolen my 'original speedster dream'! It involved buying one made in Cali (Silver with dk. red interior) doing the brake in on the PCH and then driving it home across the country. As you can see you've taken TWO of those things and rubbed them in my face by posting that video. And in the process reaffirmed the reason I hate those west coast bastards so much! Always driving their fancy speedsters on the PCH, going to awesome car shows, ect.... yeah, you all know who you are!

Really though Paul, that was AWESOME!!!! I'm so jealous! I can't wait to see your car.
Yes, the Jersey track is only about 50 mins from my house. I'm racing there in a couple weeks. I saw the Del Porsche Club was going to be there and I planned to go up and check it out so if I don't run into you before then I'll catch you there. I may, or may not have my car there (just for kicks. not on the track) depending on how things go with the rest of the 'Carrera Project'. Either way, I'll be there for sure.
Dave, Megan and I talk about exactly what you stated. The view along the way was great, but it is the temperature differences of the air that we felt and the smells in our nose that will bring us back to those places for the rest of our lives. I was pretty damn hot and really damn cold at times. Never was I uncomfortable. I would not have wanted it any other way.
I am not sure when the car will be delivered. Called today to check in. Looks like we are about a week or so out from the car being 100%. I am guessing the car will be in Baltimore no later than the first week of September.
Kevin, you have Got to take the tub on that trip. I will let you know when I am back out that way... maybe when I pick up my 904 from TR.
Mickey, Ill buy you a couple beer's at the track, try and make up for it. You have good taste in dreams.
Glad you enjoyed the video Jim. As soon as I pulled onto that beach I thought "so this is where Jim took the cool beach pictures of his ride".
I would do it all over again tomorrow if I could. For now, id settle just to have my car here with me. Reminds me of summer vacation with the family as a teenager. You meet that beautiful girl of your dreams on the beach, hang out on the board walk and playing wack-a-mole the rest of the week. Then... inevitably the vacation must end. You have to go your seperate ways, back to the real world. I have a broken heart at the moment.


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Paul, you'll have a reception in BalmerHon that rivals what they're gonna do for Phelps. And, bonus, your silver car will be a standout here, 'cuz there arean't a lot of them on this side of the country (see photo, below).
Maybe we can get the East Coast Squadron out in force, like we did for the arrival of the Green Coupe (Tom DeWalt) and the Red Baron (Kelly Frazer).
These are some of the people in your neighborhood:


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  • lineup carlisle 07
Great Video Paul! You captured the experience perfectly.
Thuan and I just did the same PCH run from Morro all the way to Stinson Beach, north of San Francisco, in June. We will be going back next month to do the rest of the Coast Hwy. trip all the way to the Oregon border. There will be the same beautiful coastline, but also magnificent Redwood groves as well.


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  • Picture 279
  • Picture 184
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