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Entirely possible, not matter who builds the engine.  These engines are 50+ year old technology.  It's always a good idea to go over everything after 250 miles and change the oil.  The oil will have fresh metal in it and some bolts will have loosened because the tolerances are nowhere close to a modern engine.



" Is it possible or normal for valves to go so far out of adjustment, after just 290 miles on a new engine,that the car backfires badly out the exhaust..."


Normal?  No.  Possible?  Yes.


Either the engine builder screwed up and didn't adjust the valves properly (and then lock down the lock nuts) or you have a significant valve problem or there is something else going on that you haven't yet found.


If the timing is set properly and the carbs don't have a clog problem (my first vote, since the car is new and the gas tank might be flaking inside), my vote would be for exhaust gaskets.....but it's hard to diagnose when you're not standing there listening to it.


If the exhaust gaskets test out OK, then look at the intake manifold gaskets, but I wouldn't implicate the ignition......

No contest to your most correct comment Larry, my comment was just a comment, just a/c flat 4 trivia and the vtwin reference was relating to the longevity of this these time proven technologies.


So "lighten up Francis" :-)


tight valves can be caused by a lot of things, what kind of adjusters were used,stock ,swivel foot,ball bearing ford courier, valves caps used,incorrect pushrod type chromoly,aluminum? Sticking valve,rocker,tight cam follower,valve seat settling into the head. Or hopefully,just plain old incorrect valve adjustment.

Last edited by SpeedBucket

With reference to older motor engineering, I was pleasantly  surprised to learn of the relation ship of Olie Evinrude  (outboard motors ) to Harley and Davidson way back when HD was just getting started.


It must have been a very interesting time...nothing to emulate, no internet for quick advice or reference, just some backyard ingenuity that became decades of iconic motor history.

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