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It's so cheap to have them balanced and, before you balance the connecting rods, I'd make sure they are fitted with new small end bushings. The shop that installs the bushings can also balance them.

Most shops remove metal as needed to make the rods balance, usually it's a small amount and they may remove metal from various points on the end cap and the top of the piston pin hole
Thanks for the info, slight change of plan I was going to use the standard Rods from the engine that I broke down, But I have managed to source at a good price a set of 912 rods which are stronger.
I am not sure how close the factory matched the rods but working on the principle 'that for every gram out of balance, the working component weight squares per thousand rpm' it is worth checking that they are spot on. I want to do the work on this engine myself and use it as a learning curve as I have run out of jobs to do on the car. So next job will be to make the jig and start checking before i get the dremel out.

Many thanks again Nigel
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