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Makes no sense at all does it? I think there must be some genetic deficiencies in the high bidders when something like what you describe happens. It seems to manifest itself in the classic more money than brains syndrome IMHO. The bad thing is that the average Joe Six Packs doesn't stand a chance to purchase some really nice cars at a more reasonable price.
Google Barrett Jackson and click on the first listing. When it opens it will have a 2007 results section. The 3rd speedster sold(lot 122) was adjusted back to 39.6K for some reason. The lot #s for speedsters sold so far are 6,107,122,and 309. #309 is another new Beck that has sold for 18.7K. I'd love to know the reason for the large price differences between cars.
I watched many hours of Barrett-Jackson last year, and I didn't see very many bargains. But then, when you have 5000 registered bidders and 900 cars for sale, the supply-and-demand equation is on the side of the seller, not the buyer. In all auctions, it seems, if at least two people are interested in the same thing, the excitement of outbidding the other person results in a higher sale price than with a one-on-one negotiated sale.
Thanks... I contacted B/J and asked some specific questions via eMail but never got a reply. I was concerned about a no reserve auction. The final price listed also includes the addition of their fees I believe, so subtract what, 8%...or more as they charge both the buyer and the seller?
As I recall, B/J used to mean something else but in this auction frame of mind it might still mean getting hosed.

Good point on the registration and subsequent transfer and title costs Vince.
That's the chance you take at a "no reserve" auction... Someone got a great deal on a few cars.
I think Vince is correct. Unless you lived in a smog-less state/county you couldn't register a 2006... No idea why the dealer would title them in this manor. The majority of the states will title it as a 1957 and make it smog exempt... wonder if it would have made a difference? Oh well... woulda, coulda, shoulda...

Greetings from Barrett-jackson: two becks today, one @ $22,500, the other at $19,000
A real 356A Convert D (white w/ tan interior) went for $99K, plus a beautiful red 1964 356C coupe got $77,000.

Another Beck & a 55 Sppedster tommorrow. As ususal mostly muscle cars, highlighted by Saturday night's sale of the last stingray, a 67 427 coupe

Lotsa Porsche...............hats, signs, jackets, shirts & paintings

Tom Raymond

For those of you that don't know, here is the basic Barrett-Jackson system. If your car gets into the auction (1 out of 4-5 submitted), you have a $1000 minimum registration fee......higher if car goes while on TV, especially on the weekend. Now let's say the gavel drops at $100K...........the seller will end up with $86 to $91K, the buyer pays $108K, B/J clears $17 - $23K...............over and over every two minutes.

Most sellers bring a "shil" bidder w/ them to get the price up, or buy it themselves if it comes to that.
I read an interesting article in a classic car magazine a few months ago...don't know the name but this mag seems to be very much like the Classic and Sportscar mag from the UK but it was out of the US.

The article was about auctions and the BJ auctions specifically. Quite informative. Other auction houses are not doing near as well so the writers of the article looked at what makes BJ a success. Part of it is the cars...which are supposedly of the highest calibre (their comments...not mine).

But they also did a graph showing the average price of cars sold versus the amount of TV time BJ received on Speed Channel.

Lo and hehold...there appears to be a significant relationship between the two. When Speed channel increased its coverage significantly the average price of cars sold also increased.

Marketing!! Nothing beats a good marketing plan.
The Barrett-Jackson has become a circus! Most of the cars there this year have been going for 25% over their value.

But I am pleased to say that after a year of searching and debating on what type of Speedster would be right for me, I bought one today at the Barrett. I paid $20,000 for a 2006 Beck with 19 original miles! I could not believe that nobody was bidding on this car.

I think the biggest obstical was that the car was titled as a 2006 Beck, and the emisions would be a problem. But after e-mailing Carey, he explained to me that there is a way to title the car as a 56' in AZ.

I am extatic right now, and can honestly say that I never thought I would find a deal at the Barrett, but I got lucky.
Congrats on your purchase! It's nice to see someone getting a sensible deal at Barret Jackson. Meaning no insult to anyone on this site, I can't believe this "thing"!!!! It is absolute insanity! Someone mentioned here somewhere that Barret Jackson gets a nice percentage of the sale, these guys have got to be sitting there at the end of the week just laughing their asses off at the idiots (Not you Jeremy; you're one of the few that apparently made a sensible purchase) paying astronomical prices for these cars! $50,600 for an 89 Ferrari Mondial!!!! That is only one of the many that caught my eye on the website. Speaking of which, you'd think that they'd do a better job of allowing people to navigate the site based on vintage, price, make, etc... or did I miss something? It just looks like a bunch of people going overboard as to not be "out ego'd" by the other person who has too much money to spend. Don't get me wrong, I love to watch so I can see the gorgeous cars, and there are some sensible deals no and again. But to me, next to strip clubs this thing could be the biggest clip joint out there!!!! Actually I think strip clubs are a better deal.
Talk about about a 1,000,000 for a CNN "Warrior One" Hummer sold on a bill of sale. It's not even drivable. The fee's ARE ridiculous, 10% buyers premium and 8% sellers fee. Craig Barrett is make 18% on every deal pushed through. With 18% of a 107,000,000 auction result, makes you wonder.
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