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Yeah, I've never heard of any of the builders using anything but stock, VW parts in the steering system, and what you describe is precisely that - two forks with a big, rubber donut in between.


Be aware, though, that the steering boxes often have play in them which, to some extent, is adjustable out - but not always.


TOM:  Just putting up the Beck website is nice, but not very helpful.  What you might tell people is that Beck might have and sell the parts that they need, but that they have to email Carey or Kevin and ask to see if it might be available - not everything is.

Last edited by Gordon Nichols

i did try the obvious and tried beck, but my e-mail is returned, mail box full and answer phone, and thats why i tried the forum. As Lane said it is not a standard intermediate shaft but one that will seperate on impact.


ANyway i will report back once i find out more or i recieve the answer on the forum.

 Also has anyone tried to put a support bearing on the intermedaite shaft to make the steering less clonky?



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