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My 47 y/o son Jeff faced the biggest hurdle of his life Wednesday morning after the week prior discovery of a 6.5 cm aortic aneurysm. He had a moderate aortic heart valve issue since birth that caused the aneurysm and it was replaced with his heart's pulmonary valve, the relocated pulmonary valve was replaced with a donor valve and the Aorta aneurysm was also repaired. Some scary stuff but he had the right Surgeon and Surgical team in Morristown, New Jersey.  He has a cardiac rehab road ahead of him but they state a full recovery with no restrictions in 10 or so weeks,

Last edited by Alan Merklin
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@Alan Merklin

OK, that was pretty upsetting news, followed immediately with great news of the outcome.  Must have been a tough week for everyone involved and I'm glad it is concluding so well.

We've been through some of that stuff this year (far less dangerous) and I am constantly amazed that, when told by a Doctor that something not-so-great is going on, they follow it up with "Well, we usually do this and this and this and see very good results.  You should be fine."

To which I often ask, "Wow....  You can DO that?"

Please tell Jeff that he has the entire SOC rooting for his fast recovery.

I hope you and Connie are coping with this, too.  I know it is never easy when your kids are involved.

Alan best of luck to your son and his recovery. My father died from an aortic aneurysm he didn't know he had. He wasn't feeling well because of a kidney infection he had. Finally a friend talked him into going to get checked out. In the hospital his blood pressure when out of control because he hated hospitals after having polio as a kid. At some point the aneurysm burst and his blood pressure dropped. He died right there. He was on life support till I got there. Hardest thing I ever had to do was let him go. I found out later that aneurysms can be hereditary. I got checked out and sure enough I have an aortic aneurysm on the side of my aorta. It's small 4.2cm so I have an echo every 6 month to make sure it stays the same or less. If it gets to 5cm they will operate to fix it. Scary thing for sure.

Alan, glad to hear of the positive outcome!

Back in the early 90s, my Dad had open heart surgery. They repaired one valve and gave him a metal replacement for another. He really enjoyed having people listen to the metallic click!

It gave me almost 30 more years of him still being around. I remember shaking Dr. Catalano's hand thinking that hand held my Dad's heart just a couple hours ago...

@Alan Merklin wrote: "walked 400 feet today"

Kathy went through that last spring when she got a new hip.

The tests she had to pass for release were to walk up and down a small set of stairs (we have stairs at home) and then walk to the end of the corridor beyond the Nurse's station.  She said it looked like it was half a mile down there and back, but she did it and got home.

Prayers for Jeff for a continued recovery.

My son Jeff ended up back in the hospital Tuesday night as his repaired heart went out of whack with a HR of 200 and low BP. The surgery from two weeks ago was checked and good,  the issue is " electrical " that is now controlled by meds &  will be fixed via a Cath once he has healed in a few months from the Valve Aotra surgery... Jeff made it back to his home today....

Giving thanks on Thanksgiving !

Last edited by Alan Merklin

They all are kids and you try to do all you can for them, other than traveling to be there for the surgery and 5 days, this had my hands totally tied.  Jeff's a Licensed Contractor in NJ and has been juggling two decent size jobs that are almost finished with a good chunk of change hanging out as well so, we'll wait a month or so until Jeff can sit and supervise me the old man, his brother (maybe) and Jeff's his helper.  Finish deck stairs, railing and a slider and trim out at one job, the other is two very large bow windows ( those will be a b*tch and if we have go with using pump jacks)  and a slider & trim out .............. Thanks for the well wishes !

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