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Two weeks ago I visited the Porsche factory in Stuttgart. It was my dream come true and I was in heaven. In the center round-about at the factory there are countless GT2s, 993s, and turbos that go ripping up the streets and you have to keep yourself from drooling. Then it happened, a red 356 speedster tore out of the VIP parking lot and I fell in love. I came home and immediately went on the hunt for a VW bug so I can make it happen. I got lucky last week, a fully restored 69 bug chassis with new engine, upgraded disc brakes, suspension, and pan. I am turning my sights on getting this going now, and I am turning to this wonderful forum of individuals for some help. For those of you with any advice, I would love to hear it. What kit to go with (I've been eyeing Vintage Speedsters), should I get the complete kit or just the body kit (and buy the parts on my own as I go), which parts should be original and which are okay with being reproduced, are there any manuals for how to do this?


Thank you all in advance

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Currently about the only producers of Speedster "kits" are Vintage Speedsters and JPS Motorsports---you can visit both of their sites at the top of this page under "Makers". The other makers base their cars on Tube type frames rather than a VW Bug pan.


When you inquire about buying a pan-based kit you will likely be discouraged from building it yourself--  only 1-2% (if that) of Speedsters from Vintage and JPS are sold as kits.  If you are an animal like our Allan Merklin  who is a stellar builder, or Mango Smoothie who makes his own steel wool from steel bars, or David Stroud who does his own Suby conversion  you can certainly build the car on your newly acquired pan.  If you are like many of the rest of us (me for sure)  ---I don't know what your chances are.   


It sounds like your Bug is very special with upgraded things already done to it.  One idea might be to ship your bug to Vintage or Jps and have them build your Speedster using your own pan and running gear.  In any event contact John Steele at JPS and Kirk Duncan at Vintage and see what they think about your plan.


I admire your ambition and if you do decide to take the plunge I hope you will start a thread and document the build with lots of pictures.  Best of luck with whatever direction you decide on.  This site is the best place to find expert help as we have many folks who have built their own Speedster --mostly from old CMC or Fiberfab kits and will steer you straight.



Thanks for the feedback. This site seems to be about the only place I can find information. I guess the question I have is what stages of the build seem to give people the most grief. I have a mechanic, professional body guy, certified electrician, and master welder in my circle of friends and they are all doing the build with me so I do have some help but none of us have experience with any sort of conversions. Here are some pictures of the last project we did together. How much additional work is there in doing this conversion compared to a top-down restoration?


Images (2)
  • porsche start
  • finished porsche

Doesn't look like you have been on here for very long and may not have had a chance to do some homework.

I'm curious if your reason for wanting to build from a kit up is to save money or because that is something you enjoy doing?  If it's simply to save money, you may find that in the end it could cost you as much as if you would have simply bought a used Speedster and you could have been on the road next week.

Not trying to discourage you at all if you really are looking for the build experience.  If so, you picked the right car.

Welcome to the madness!


I sure wouldn't use the fully restored bug as your donor!  You can buy a used VW chassis for few hundred dollars or a rusted out complete car for same.  (Place in VA has stripped chassis for $100 with title).  I found shortening the chassis and replacing rusted floor pans took welding skills (and measurement skills) - wiring has been my nemesis.  There are lots of incomplete CMC kits (out of business in 1994 but parts are universal) still out there for $2k-8k. Many have the frames, trans and engines included. The CMC kit (no VW bits) went for $8-9k back in 1990 plus exorbinate shipping from FL ($1400 quoted me). 


Restoring an old car is easier as holes are already drilled - on the cut you measure 8 times and cut or drill once.   


Here's link to build manual for all Fiberfab products.  See the Speedster one - which is same as CMC build manual.

Last edited by WOLFGANG

Thanks, Troy, Terry, and Woflgang. All very helpful replies.


Terry: I haven't shortened the pan yet. I have received detailed instructions for how to do a V cut in the pan and have seen the video online. Obviously things are easier when seen than actually doing it but it seems like something we can handle. What do you feel is the biggest challenge for this part of the project?


Troy: Honestly I have not had the time to research this project. I am really just looking for something to work on with my brother and my dad to work on together so hopefully we aren't getting ourselves into an impossible project. Thank you for the welcome.


Wolfgang: I managed to run across a guy looking to downsize his house and was just giving this thing away for next to nothing. So now I am sitting on a amazing chassis and halfway restored body and about a million VW bug parts. I have some experience with wiring, we have done a complete rewire on a Chevelle and a 442 so hopefully having this thing down to bare bones should help (plus the previous owner has the entire wiring harness brand new in the package for the VW bug). Do you need a custom wiring kit for the 356 or can the VW wiring scheme be altered to fit?


Again, thanks for all the feedback everyone

Not sure if you know about the VW site:


Good place to sell your extra VW stuff and find stuff you'll need.


Get a copy of the build manual, but the sh!t out of Dr. Clock and others who have built their own.

Whatever time you estimate...double, at least!


Whatever you do, don't listen to Vinny or GERD!


BTW real names are appreciated, even if it's just your first.

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